Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Training 10/7-10/13

 10/7-Adrenal spike has definitely gone down.  Opened with a 1:37 and got WORSE after 2 Thym  Adren (1:53).  Began feeling better but more jittery as the day progressed.

PM- 1.5 miles on Lakeshore in 13:23 (8:55 pace).  This is what I meant to do last Friday.  Perfect splits and did not need a push to shore up the sub-9.  


10/8- Increased the dose to 3 and hope to hold it there.  I expected a small step backwards but not another nightmare.  1 mile in 11:30.

PM- Felt no better in the afternoon.  The culprit is Arginine, which I had been taking for blood pressure support.  Junk intervals confirmed it.  Without- 1:47.  With- 2:00.  Ouch!  

Why the intolerance to Arginine?  I've read that it increases immune system activity.  Need that I do not.  Autoimmune issues can worsen hypertension so I likely made that problem worse.  Pitched that bottle.


10/9-AM Opened with a 1:42.  Though I really don't think it helped, I was significantly BETTER after drinking a Kickstart (1:27).  Come to think of it, that stuff may have helped clear the Arginine.  Extra caffeine did NOT yield further benefits.  It may have made me feel more stiff.

PM- At any rate, I was well enough for a full Mile at Montreat after work.  Finished in 8:55 with good splits (3:03-2:57-2:55) and did not need a push at the end to shore up the sub-9.  I'll take it and hope to build on it.  I'm pretty sure that I could have matched Monday's session (give or take) if I ran it on Lakeshore. 

Distance= 1.5

Sunday, October 6, 2024

New Relapses and Culprits

 Thursday's workout was probably my best since the candida dump in late July.  It was 1 Mile in 8:32 with a strong negative split (4:23-4:09).  Surely, I  could have broken 8:30 with a faster start and felt like I could have sustained that pace for a few more laps.  I hoped to build on that on Friday.  Nope.  

Shooting for 2 miles, I settled for 1.5 in 14:53 (9:55 pace).  Though the splits were fairly even (7:22-7:31), it took a push in the homestretch to shore up a sub-10 pace overall when I expected a sub-9.  I had absolutely nothing left after I finished and slow jogged a cool down that might as well have been a walk.  

The culprit this time was the Lemonade that I drank with dinner the previous night!  A bad reaction to a Red Bull or even a Coke is understandable.  NOT a non-caffeinated and non-carbonated drink.  I confirmed it later that morning.  A Snapple drink made it MUCH WORSE!  The extreme sugar intolerance is back.

In the past, Glycine took care of the sugar intolerance so I tried it again.  I felt no better after the Glycine but no worse either.  By Saturday afternoon, I began to feel a little better and hoped to salvage a workout on Sunday.  I figured that the excess sugar was clearing my system.

Sunday was the worst day of all.  I lasted less than 1 minute before I called it quits and my pace had already slipped to the 10-12 minute range.  This time the culprit was Serine.  Apparently, combined with Glycine, it was too much of an adrenal suppressant.  The Serine had been a non-factor before and I planned to finish the bottle and be done with it.  I pitched it today.

Any good news?  Yes. Intolerance to sugar appears to be gone.  Yes, I need to limit sugar but it's almost impossible to avoid it completely.  The Glycine may have finally stopped the adrenal spike.  An extra Thym Adren pill made things worse.  I may be able to cut that dose from 6 pills down to 2-3.  Unfortunately, the next 2 days are going to SUCK!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Training 9/16-9/22

 9/16- Very interesting.  I've been taking Zinc for the last few days.  Before, it was a non-factor.  Now, it's a game changer in a POSITIVE way.  Another very positive development:  Serine and Argentine are now tolerated.  I had an instant negative reaction just last week.  Taurine is still bad for me but I'm betting that cologne would be tolerated.


Zinc is key for many enzyme reactions.  My intolerance to these pills was probably an enzyme defect, not an autoimmune issue.  A doctor won't help with this.  

Not surprisingly, an adrenal spike has hit.  Zinc doesn't help anymore.  Extra Thyme Adrenal does.


9/17- Another junk workout but it's now confirmed.  Arginine and Serine are now non-factors thanks to Zinc.  Unfortunately, it's also caused a MASSIVE adrenal spike.  In theory, I can start training again when it goes down.


Two questions:  Does caffeine have any effect on the need for Zinc?  Can blood donation slow down the adrenals?

9/18- Probably the peak of the adrenal spike.  Half mile in 6:11.  Not my worst of all time.  This was WITH the pills.  I couldn't even attempt this without pills.


9/19- Repeated the half mile distance and my time is down to 5:45.  I will take it.  That's 52 per mile better than I was just 12 hours ago.  Shooting for 1 mile tomorrow.


9/20- Full mile at Montreat in 10:48.  I will take it.  That's 42 seconds faster pace than yesterday and I doubled the distance.  Slight negative split (5:29-5:19).  Weakened a bit by a mild summer cold too.


9/21- Crash and burn again.  This time, B12 was the culprit.  I simply can't tolerate it when my adrenals are through the roof.  Cut off the watch at 0.67 and walk jogged from there.


9/22- Half mile in 6:30 in the morning.  Thanks to B12 clearance, I was down to 5:30 by the evening.


Winter 25 Trip Ideas

 The original plan was Maui, Hawaii in either January or February but I am beginning to re-think that idea.  I have been to Hawaii twice before and visited the Big Island and Oahu.  No doubt that I do want to see both Maui and Kauai as well. 

 Unfortunately, the big negative is the cost.  Flights are relatively affordable but hotels could be upwards of $400 per night even if I don't stay on the beach.  A rental car is a necessity too as the Road to Hana is a must do.  Because of the jet lag, I almost have to take an extra day to recover on my way back and will likely take an overnight layover in Las Vegas.  Yes, I can afford all that but I'd likely have to skimp the rest of the year.  If I can only afford EITHER Alaska OR Hawaii, I choose Alaska because it's the only state that I have visited only once.  Alaska will be very pricey as well in the summer.  

I went to Colorado this past winter and enjoyed it but I am sticking to tropical destinations for the foreseeable future.  South Florida is never a bad idea but I want to be more adventurous.  Two options on my radar are Sayulita, Mexico and Cartagena, Colombia.

Sayulita- Though I have been to Mexico many times, I have never been to its Pacific coast (Tijuana doesn't count).  I can fly out of Birmingham with a single connection in Dallas and I believe it's only a 2 hour time difference.  The only negative is that I'll have to take a bus from Puerto Vallarta, which is about an hour away.  No rental car expense and hotels are very reasonable.  I can stay on the beach for under $100. Those beaches look nice too.  Probably not in the same league as Hawaii but certainly worth it.  There will be no side trips.  I'm only there for the beach and the local culture.  I could easily do this trip in 3 days plus 2 for travel.  Hawaii would require a full week if not more.

Cartagena- Not only have I never been to Colombia, I have yet to step foot on the entire South American continent.  This seems like a good introduction.  Hotels are more expensive than Mexico but much cheaper than Hawaii.  I might have to fly out of Atlanta but should have a simple connection in Miami with little to no jet lag.  Again, no rental car expense.  Just a 20 minute taxi ride to the beach.  

Here's where it gets a little complex.  I will likely stay in Boca Grande, preferably on the north side.  Word on the street is that the beach itself isn't all that great.  Sand is light grey and the water isn't clear but if there's decent surf with 85 degree water, it will be fun for me.  One tourist said that it looks comparable to South Carolina.  I'd have no complaints about that.  There are prettier beaches nearby but since those lack surf, I'll pass.  

In this location, I am NOT just there for the beach.  I want to see the walled city too.  Supposedly, it is safe and possible to walk from the beach, especially the north side, but taxis are plentiful.  I'd certainly wait until evening as I'm sure the heat and humidity will be brutal.  Again, I think I can do this one in 3 or 4 days.  

I may be able to do both Mexico and Cartagena in the same year.  Definitely not anything else besides Hawaii.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Training 9/9-9/15

 9/9- After a break, I wasn't expecting much.  Aimed for just 1 mile under 10 minutes and clocked a 9:55.  I was behind pace until the last half lap.  A late rally got me under the barrier.  

Tried Zinc and Probiotics later that evening.  Zinc was a non factor.  Probiotics?  Slightly better but not enough to be significant.  I'll go without them.  


9/10- Increased the distance to 1.5 on Lakeshore.  Finished in an even 14-flat (9:20 pace).  Better than yesterday so I will take it.  I've noticed lately that my legs feel noticeably more stiff and sore after a forbidden drink.  I was clean today.  

Zinc didn't do anything last time I tried it but I still think it may be helpful.  Blood donation is also planned for later in the month.


9/11- Step backwards.  1 mile in 10:11 with bad splits.  I was on pace for about the same as yesterday but fell apart just after the half mile.  Very overstimulated today.


9/12- Half mile, which was worse than yesterday but I found the culprit.  Nothing should surprise me anymore but this one left me totally blindsided.  The culprit is a few sprays of COLONGE!!   Yes, I'm sure of it too.  I was MUCH worse just 5 minutes after a few additional sprays.  I have no words.  


9/13- Same as yesterday.  Maybe worse.  Didn't even use a watch.  When the COLONGE clears, I will likely face an adrenal spike.  Scratch the weekend too.


9/14- The adrenal spike peaked in the morning.  Took me 4:35 to do one lap at Montreat.  I was better in the evening.  2 laps in 7:44 (11:36 pace).  BAD!


9/15- Junk mile


-7 miles

Friday, September 6, 2024

NorCal Trip Report

 8/30- No issues on the flight to Reno.  I did have a long layover in Dallas but that enabled a sit down lunch.  There was a bit of a delay with the rental car but I still got to Tahoe by late afternoon.  My hotel was in South Lake Tahoe, just across the
California line.  I could have done one short hike but elected not to.  Instead, I simply walked through town then had a sunset dinner at a restaurant on the beach.

8/31- I wanted an early start because I figured that crowds would be an issue on a holiday weekend.  First stop was Inspiration Point in Emerald Bay then on to the Eagle Rock trail.  This trail was longer and more strenuous than I expected but the reward was a crystal clear lake that actually reflected a mountain.  Awesome!  

The plan was to take a dip in the water at Kings Beach on the north side before lunch.  Unfortunately, I was too late.  At 10 AM, lots were already full and the road was jammed.  I decided to try my luck elsewhere.  Maybe, the Nevada side would be less crowded.  Traffic wasn't bad but lots were full and street parking fees were $30-40.  Not worth it for just a quick dip.  I did do one more short hike on the Cave Rock trail.  That was really cool too.  

After driving all the way around the lake, I headed west to the Bay area.  That proved to be a good call.  It enabled me to see San Francisco's Dolores Park at dusk.  After dinner, where I met a real nice local couple, I went back to see it lit up at night.  My hotel was in Oakland because it was a shorter drive in from Tahoe and out to Yosemite.  I wasn't impressed with Oakland but it was probably a good call.  I was only there to sleep and there was a BART station just 2 blocks away.

9/1- Took BART to Union Square then walked to see the Painted Ladies.  Fans of Full House and Mrs. Doubtfire know it well.  After a rare sit down breakfast, where I met another nice girl, it was off to Oracle Park for a Giants game.  Giants lost 7-5 but it was a pretty good game in one of the best ballparks.  From there, it was a quick tour of Coit Tower and Lombard Street then a walk down to Fisherman's Wharf.  From there, it was 3.4 miles to the Golden Gate bridge.  Too far.  I settled for Crissy Field, just 1.2 miles away.  Nevertheless, the sunset views were amazing.  After a late dinner, I took a cable car back to downtown then BART back to Oakland.

9/2- Drove across the Golden Gate bridge into Marin County.  First stop was Stinson Beach.  I arrived at 9 AM and this was early enough.  I just walked on the beach for a while until it warmed up a bit.  I forgot to pack my wetsuit so I didn't expect to last long with a water temperature of 61.  Surprisingly, I did find it tolerable and caught a few decent rides even without a board.  Fortunately, it was sunny with calm winds and I had access to a warm car shortly thereafter.  

Next stop was Tamalpais State Park where I embarked on two more hikes.  The second one was pretty strenuous but again, the views were worth it.  From there, it was about 45 minutes to Battery Spencer, still in Marin County.  This location is probably the best view of the bridge with the city in the background.  It was now late afternoon and I went back across the bridge into San Francisco.  I did go to Golden Gate Park but only stayed a few minutes just to say I was there.  I didn't want to venture too far because I was afraid of getting lost.


Next I went to Lands End, where I was treated to more views of the bridge then just down the hill was Ocean Beach.  I waited for the sunset then drove back to Oakland.  I was afraid of driving in San Francisco but the traffic was not as bad as I feared.  Car break-ins were not a concern because all of my stuff was in Oakland.

9/3- Left Oakland for a 3 hour drive to Yosemite.  This park requires reservations on weekends and holidays.  Fortunately, the day after Labor Day wasn't a problem.  The first hike there was a bit of a bust because the waterfall was barely dripping.  Still, the road provided some real nice views of Half Dome.  The area around Glacier Point made the trip more than worth it.  

I exited the park via Tioga Pass, which goes up to nearly 10,000 feet elevation and is only open in the summer.  I got to see some nice mountain sunset views on the way out and made it to my hotel in Mammoth Lakes just after dark.  

9/4- A bit more of a chill day.  The plan was to play it by ear as I had time for unfinished business at either Tahoe or Yosemite.  I opted for Tahoe.  This time, there was parking available at the beach for only $10.  Like SF, the water was chilly but tolerable and offered beautiful mountain views.  Though there were no waves, the water was crystal clear.

From Tahoe, I went to the Old West town of Virginia City for a walking tour.  Nevada has a different vibe and is much more arid.  I got to Reno just after 5.  I stayed in a casino but I don't gamble.  It was nice to have restaurants inside but I just don't care for that atmosphere.  If I had it to do again, I would have spent more time in Tahoe, then would have had dinner in Virginia City and then got an airport hotel in Reno.  Still, this was definitely an all time great trip.  As you can see from the pictures, there was nary a cloud in the sky the whole trip.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2025 Road Trip Ideas

 If by some miracle I am healthy, I have several races on my bucket list:

Fort Worth, Texas- February 

Rock n Roll DC- March

Rio De Janeiro- April or June

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- May

Santiago, Chile- May

San Diego, California- August 

I'd probably choose 2 or 3 with the international options being the least likely.

Now the non-running trips:

Maui, Hawaii.  Good chance here.  It will be January or February.  I want to visit all 4 major islands.  So far, I've got the Big Island and Oahu.  Kauai works best as a summer or early Fall trip.

Arizona- Phoenix, Sedona, Grand Canyon, D'Backs game.  This is the front runner for April.

Utah/Colorado- Fly to Salt Lake, go North to Ogden then cut east to Gunnison Canyon then down the Million Dollar Hwy to Mesa Verde and back through Moab.  Works best for late Spring but I can't do this and Arizona.  One or the other.

Alaska- This is probably the one I want the most and I'll shoot for June even with high prices.  This will complete Round 2 of Visit all 50 states.

Great Lakes- Detroit Tigers game.  Niagara Falls, Erie and Cleveland.  Works best from July through September though Niagara Falls will probably be decidedly less crowded in September.  

Washington- Rainier, Olympic NP and North Cascades.  Definitely a mid summer or early Fall trip.

Atlantic Canada beach trip- New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia.  August is the only month in which the water temperature could be tolerable.  

SoCal- Orange County and San Diego.  La Jolla, Laguna are must stops.  I'd like to see Oceanside, Torrey Pines and Huntington Beach as well.  Definitely late summer.

PCH- Fly to LAX.  Santa Cruz to Santa Monica via Pacific Coast Hwy.  Also works best in late summer to early Fall.

3 Mexico trips that work best in November:

Cabo to La Paz loop


Mexico City and Puerto Escondido 

Obviously I can't do anywhere close to all of these.  We shall see what happens.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Training 8/19-8/25

 8/19- Yesterday, I did the opener in 3:18 and the real workout was 1.5 @ 10:20.  Today was better.  Opener in 3:00 (9:00 pace).  Then hit Lakeshore for 2 miles in 19:32 (9:46 pace).  Progress.  I'm pleased with how well I've run the openers but not as pleased with the real workouts.  I'd still be well over 30 for a 5K.

PM- Half mile at Montreat in 4:31 (9:02 pace).  This was comfortable and felt sustainable for 2 miles.  As for the diet, I have been good about avoiding sugar and alcohol but I have cheated a few times on caffeine.  It didn't hurt me today and it may have been slightly beneficial but it must not become a daily habit.


8/20- No opener today.  Repeated the 2 miles on Lakeshore and my time is down to 18:44 (9:22 pace) with dead even splits.  A 30 minute 5K is 3.1@ 9:39.  It's close but I think I've got it.  Hopes will not start to rise until I get back down to 27.

PM- I've not been taking the B-vitamins every day though I am careful not to go too long without.  I suspected that taking them yesterday after the morning session made a difference in how I felt in the afternoon.


Methylation- 90

B12- 84

B-complex- 82

Plus a lap cool down.



Interesting.  Methylation was a non-factor.  The B12 wasn't a game changer but it improved my pace by 36/mile.  That's enough to be considered significant.  Slightly better on the complex but I don't consider 12/mile to be significant.  If I miss a dose, I'll notice only on a hard workout and won't collapse unless I skip it for 5-7 days.  I consider that to be "under control." Maybe someday, I'll react similarly to Thym Adren.

8/21- Hoped to do 3 @ low 9 pace today and failed.  Called it quits after just a half mile with a pace approaching 11.  Culprit was too much B12.  That's right.  The very same stuff that was beneficial yesterday triggered a collapse today.  

WHAT THE ----!  

This was confirmed in the afternoon.  Opened with a 1:36 then slipped to a 1:43 on extra B12.  It probably would have been worse if I let it fully absorb.  I don't think it's an autoimmune reaction.  It's just too stimulating.  I was down to 1:26 after extra Thym-Adren.  In the future, I must be very judicious with the B12.  Maybe I take the complex only without the stand alone B12.


8/22- Took only Thym Adren with no B-vitamins.  Workout was 1 mile at Montreat in 9:18.  Even pace with something left at the end but I don't think this was sustainable for 5K.  Not as bad as I expected but we'll see how I react tomorrow.  Perhaps I would do better on Hydroxy B12 instead of Methyl.


8/23- 3x 1 lap at Montreat.  Opened with a poor 3:44 (11:12 pace) but improved to 2:55 on Thym Adren (8:45 pace).  Effort was sustainable for 1-2 miles and I could have easily beaten yesterday's time.  The gap is FAR too large and it must close soon.  That said, it was not the primary concern today.

I took only the B-complex.  No stand alone B12.  The form was hydroxy and adenosyl rather than methyl and the dose was only half of what triggered the collapse.  I knew immediately that it was too stimulating but ran the lap anyway in a pitiful 3:33 (10:39 pace).  Only slightly better than the opener.  

It was a risk that I was willing to take to answer key questions.  The form of B12 doesn't seem to matter.  In the past, hydroxy was tolerated better than methyl.  Not so now.  I can't cut out the B12 altogether but my tolerance is limited.  I have ordered a spray from Yasko.  Until it arrives, I will have to break open capsules to keep my dosage at a level that is tolerable.


8/24-  Not much different than yesterday.  A little better on the opener (3:27) but still poor after the Thym-Adren.  Did 2 laps in 5:56 and would have had to fight for a sub-9 Mile.  Still clearing the excess B12.  Perhaps the tolerance improves on the days that I don't use caffeine.

Distance= 1.0

8/25- Tried Serine to blunt the overstimulation and it was a disaster.


-11 miles 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Training 8/12-8/18

 8/12- New week.  New problem.  Plan was to repeat the 3 miler from yesterday, hopefully with a pace in the mid-9s.  I was sluggish from the start and got worse on the back half.  Settled for just 1 Mile in a time of 11:15.  This time, the culprit is Taurine.

No relief after taking the Liver.  No relief after the CBS/NOS pill.  Probiotics did help.  Not a surprise.  It neutralizes the effects of the Taurine.  It's got to be both or neither.  I'm going with neither though I might try a reduced dose of Taurine down the road or an off/on schedule.  If the Taurine gets too low, the extreme mineral sensitivity will flare up again.  I could see another adrenal spike after quitting Taurine.


8/13- Unplanned rest day.  I cheated out of frustration.  No big deal as long as I get back on track tomorrow.  Felt no better this afternoon.  Maybe worse.  Turned out that B12 (the same stuff that triggered a collapse last week) is necessary after all.  Perhaps it is simply not tolerated with the Liver but B12 alone is okay.  Took extra Taurine and did NOT have a bad reaction.  Go figure.  

8/14- Hated intervals.  Had to do it to get some answers.  Opened with a 1:38 on no pills.  Though I had no apparent issues with Taurine after taking B12 last night, I was noticeably weaker on the run.  Slipped to 1:50 after 2 pills.  Not a total collapse but this is significantly worse.  PLUS 72 per mile.  If I had just taken 1 and didn't run, I probably don't notice and would continue to get worse for a few more days.  I have to be obsessive.   

A couple more interesting finds:  Extra B12 after the Taurine.  Down to 1:46.  Slightly better but not enough to be significant.  B12 is tolerated without the Liver.  Popped 2 Thym-Adren and did a 1:45.  That's a non-factor.  Is the adrenal spike over?  Did the Liver contribute to the spike?  I will find out this evening, I hope.


8/15- Unplanned rest day.  Taurine cleared.  Monster adrenal spike hit by the afternoon.

8/16- Opened with a 4:02 lap at Montreat, which is just about what I expected.  Thym-Adren did help (3:38) but it didn't feel right.  I suspected that Colostrum was making me feel sluggish and I was correct.  Sure enough, I was back over 4:00 on extra Colostrum.  Then, another adrenal spike hit that evening.


8/17- More like it.  Opened with a 3:52 (11:36 pace) then was all the way down to 3:04 (9:12 pace) on the Thym Adren.  Gap of 2:24, which will diminish.  Added a cool down lap.


8/18- Lap without pills.  Time was all the way down to 3:18 (9:54 pace).  Yuge improvement.  Real workout was 1.5 miles in 15:30 (10:20 pace).  Hoped for better than that but did run a strong negative split (7:54-7:36).  The back half was what I was supposed to do.


-6 miles 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Candida Dump

 This happened in the last week of July and though the stomach pain is almost gone, the adrenal spike is not going down any time soon.  Big questions:

Why did it happen?

Most probably, I was too aggressive with the Liver Beef.  I found that if I crossed the line with too much caffeine or alcohol consumption, Thym-Adren wasn't effective.  I had to take extra Liver Beef to feel somewhat better.  After I reduced consumption of forbidden drinks, I remained on the extra Liver Beef.  After several days, I could not tolerate Thym-Adren IF I took too much Liver.  Eventually, I stopped the Liver but it was too late.  

My stomach started KILLING me beginning on the afternoon of 7/24.  Symptoms fit the candida dump to a T so there was never any doubt as to the nature of the problem.  I've had 3 prior dumps, most recently in April.  This one was the most painful, which is a surprise.  The dumps had been getting less severe in both intensity and duration.  Not so this time.  My stomach pain was so bad that I could not even sleep properly the first 2-3 days.  I had to lie down on my back because it was too painful to roll over on my side.  I had night sweats, white discharge in my stool,  a low grade fever (100.4 degrees) and hyperventilation as well.  I could not even walk normally as I was bent over in pain.  Add to that, I could not take a sick day at work because it was my week to answer the phones.  I was in obvious pain and all my co-workers knew it too.

Come Friday, I was somewhat functional and able to sleep properly.  I did plenty of that over the weekend.  It wasn't until the next Tuesday, 7 days after the symptoms hit that I was physically able to run.  After 2-3 days of improvement, the adrenal spike hit and it will take time to die down.


I have been sugar, caffeine and alcohol free for 10 days and counting.  Going for 21 then no more than 1 cheat day per week.  Even with the proper treatments, candida may never go away if it is being fed its sugar.  It's coming easier now.  In the past, I failed because of frustration over auto-immune reactions.  Let's hope I've got that beat once and for all.  

I did go back to the Liver but only 1 pill per day.  I've had no problems on that dosage.  Will I try to increase it again?  Maybe but not for a while.  I could see another dump.  I'm actually willing to deal with the discomfort of a dump to hasten the removal of the candida but it CANNOT be this severe ever again.  If I can tolerate high doses of Liver without the symptoms of a dump, I may be in the clear.  I still do have a bit of a rash above my ass crack but the one on my armpit is definitely fading.  

I will not try to increase the Liver dose again until I get back from California.  Man, if this monster hit when I was on that trip, I don't know what I could do.