Monday, August 27, 2018

Training 8/27-9/2

8/27- 3 miles at Gold's in 26:52 (8:57 pace) with a hard fade.  Concerned now.  Perhaps the long run hit me 2 days later.  If I am not better tomorrow, it's panic time.  I want 1 Mile time trial this week and I'm shooting for at least 6:40 but the principle goal is 35 miles.

8/28- Repeated the 3 mile and my time is down to 25:11 (8:24 pace).  Within 30 seconds of the new normal and clearly feeling better.  No need to panic.  I should be up for an easy 5 by tomorrow.  The Mile time trial will be postponed until Friday but I hope to be down around 6:30.

8/29- 5 miles on Lakeshore in a time of 40:50 (8:10 pace) plus a cool.  Back to the new normal but still not real pleased with how I felt.  Faded in Mile 4 and didn't have much of a rebound at the end.  Sore legs with low energy.  I'm doing everything right with the pills and diet so I should have no excuses.  Let's hope I see improvement in my Mile time.

8/30- MAD AS HELL!  Tried an adrenal stimulant to give myself a jump start and it was a disaster.  It's my fault for trying it but the Sarcosine is SUPPOSED TO PREVENT THIS!!  As it is, I am becoming more and more intolerant to adrenal stimulants AND suppressants.  The only thing adrenal support that is tolerable is the modulator and it doesn't make much difference.  I attempted a Mile time trial and saw it was going to be ugly within 200 meters.  Came through 400 at 1:48 running all out and rapidly slowing.  Turned it into a 2 mile junk run.  Again, just 2 doses should NOT hurt me this badly!!  I'll probably struggle tomorrow as well and have to postpone the LR until Sunday.  Is there another missing piece?  I don't think so.  I've tried EVERYTHING!!  Nothing more can be done.  I've just got to accept the results but I fear the worst.  I fear a degenerative condition that will eventually leave me unable to function let alone train.

8/31- Tried to reduce the Sarcosine and it was immediately apparent that the sensitivity to Vitamin C kicked back in with a vengeance so it's still needed.  Also tried to go without the MF and DMG.  Didn't feel too bad in the morning but it was sharply downhill after noon.  Did not have to run to know that won't work.  Took the normal dosage of everything before the workout but fared no better than yesterday early. If anything, I was probably slightly worse.  Came through half mile on Lakeshore in 4:25 (8:50 pace).  Based on my research, oxalates are the most likely culprit.  Took 1 Cal Citrate pill and was clearly better.  Next 2 miles were done in 15:54 (7:57 pace) with a slight negative split.  Tacked on a half mile cool.

9/1- Overshot the balance point with the oxalates and must endure detox reaction.

9/2- Unplanned rest day

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