Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Training 10/7-10/13

 10/7-Adrenal spike has definitely gone down.  Opened with a 1:37 and got WORSE after 2 Thym  Adren (1:53).  Began feeling better but more jittery as the day progressed.

PM- 1.5 miles on Lakeshore in 13:23 (8:55 pace).  This is what I meant to do last Friday.  Perfect splits and did not need a push to shore up the sub-9.  


10/8- Increased the dose to 3 and hope to hold it there.  I expected a small step backwards but not another nightmare.  1 mile in 11:30.

PM- Felt no better in the afternoon.  The culprit is Arginine, which I had been taking for blood pressure support.  Junk intervals confirmed it.  Without- 1:47.  With- 2:00.  Ouch!  

Why the intolerance to Arginine?  I've read that it increases immune system activity.  Need that I do not.  Autoimmune issues can worsen hypertension so I likely made that problem worse.  Pitched that bottle.


10/9-AM Opened with a 1:42.  Though I really don't think it helped, I was significantly BETTER after drinking a Kickstart (1:27).  Come to think of it, that stuff may have helped clear the Arginine.  Extra caffeine did NOT yield further benefits.  It may have made me feel more stiff.

PM- At any rate, I was well enough for a full Mile at Montreat after work.  Finished in 8:55 with good splits (3:03-2:57-2:55) and did not need a push at the end to shore up the sub-9.  I'll take it and hope to build on it.  I'm pretty sure that I could have matched Monday's session (give or take) if I ran it on Lakeshore. 

Distance= 1.5

Sunday, October 6, 2024

New Relapses and Culprits

 Thursday's workout was probably my best since the candida dump in late July.  It was 1 Mile in 8:32 with a strong negative split (4:23-4:09).  Surely, I  could have broken 8:30 with a faster start and felt like I could have sustained that pace for a few more laps.  I hoped to build on that on Friday.  Nope.  

Shooting for 2 miles, I settled for 1.5 in 14:53 (9:55 pace).  Though the splits were fairly even (7:22-7:31), it took a push in the homestretch to shore up a sub-10 pace overall when I expected a sub-9.  I had absolutely nothing left after I finished and slow jogged a cool down that might as well have been a walk.  

The culprit this time was the Lemonade that I drank with dinner the previous night!  A bad reaction to a Red Bull or even a Coke is understandable.  NOT a non-caffeinated and non-carbonated drink.  I confirmed it later that morning.  A Snapple drink made it MUCH WORSE!  The extreme sugar intolerance is back.

In the past, Glycine took care of the sugar intolerance so I tried it again.  I felt no better after the Glycine but no worse either.  By Saturday afternoon, I began to feel a little better and hoped to salvage a workout on Sunday.  I figured that the excess sugar was clearing my system.

Sunday was the worst day of all.  I lasted less than 1 minute before I called it quits and my pace had already slipped to the 10-12 minute range.  This time the culprit was Serine.  Apparently, combined with Glycine, it was too much of an adrenal suppressant.  The Serine had been a non-factor before and I planned to finish the bottle and be done with it.  I pitched it today.

Any good news?  Yes. Intolerance to sugar appears to be gone.  Yes, I need to limit sugar but it's almost impossible to avoid it completely.  The Glycine may have finally stopped the adrenal spike.  An extra Thym Adren pill made things worse.  I may be able to cut that dose from 6 pills down to 2-3.  Unfortunately, the next 2 days are going to SUCK!