Monday, December 14, 2020

Lactoferrin for Sensitivity

 I have a glimmer of hope:

On the promise of increased immunity against COVID, I ordered a bottle of Lactoferrin ahead of my Cancun flight.  As for Christmas, once again, my parents have decided that it is best that I do NOT come home.  Just like Thanksgiving, if I must be alone, I will go somewhere and have some fun.  Miami is the only spot in the continental US where it will likely be warm enough to swim without a wetsuit and I just went to South Florida last month.  Given possible vaccine requirements, now is my best chance to travel internationally.  

Latest Medical Episode:

I got a can of Mountain Dew with my lunch last week.  I know it's not good for me but for the last time, an odd can every once in a while SHOULD NOT hurt me.  This time, I could feel the trouble starting after just a few sips so I just dumped the rest of the can.  I took just a trace of Probiotics and was immediately BETTER.  BUT, the full pill left me worse off than I was before.  Anyone who reads this blog knows that this is nothing new for me.  Now, given my reaction to pills, just imagine how badly I could react to a vaccine!  I am REALLY worried about a de-facto requirement and I believe the media is over-hyping the threat to scare the public into accepting it.  

Lactoferrin Effective:

As I understand it, Lactoferrin stores and sequesters Iron by raising Ferritin levels, which plays a role in combating fungal growth.  This means that I may not have to mess with the Probiotics.  I've been instructed in a health group to keep Ferritin levels as low as possible.  I may have to disagree.  Excess Iron is bad and I know now that it played a major role in my extreme fast oxidation and need for mega doses of adrenal suppressants.  Fortunately, regular blood donations can protect against that.  The payoff that I did not expect is that Lactoferrin may eliminate the sensitivity.  As with any effective treatment, I got an initial negative response that was followed by an insatiable NEED.  This need will diminish with 7-10 days and it will become just like the other pills in which I can get by without it for 5 days.  

Test Results;

This past weekend, I did everything wrong with the diet.  I took advantage of an unseasonably warm day to go swimming in Pensacola on Saturday (73 degrees with a 69 water temp).  I found it tolerable but the conditions were a bit choppy so I only caught a few really good waves.  At any rate, I drank caffeine and alcohol the previous day.  Without Lactoferrin, I was awful.  I opened with a 2:54 lap at Montreat (8:42 pace) but after a single pill, I was all the way down to 2:25 (7:15 pace).  The moment of truth came after taking both Glutathione and Probiotics,  I only hoped to hold my form but I actually improved marginally to a 2:23 (7:09 pace).  Exactly what I wanted to see.  A small improvement but not enough to be considered significant.  Going forward, IF this holds, I will cut out the Probiotics in favor of Lactoferrin but will give blood a few times per year.  Probably no serious training until the end of the year.  Just some junk runs to prevent getting too far out of shape.

Unrelated Rants:

I've heard of a new migrant caravan starting in Honduras.  Regardless of where you stand on the immigration issue, allowing a large crowd to come in untested DURING a pandemic??  No words to describe the depth of stupidity.  I cannot even walk from San Diego to Tijuana or from El Paso to Ciudad Juarez unless it is for "essential business" and the border restrictions are even tougher in Canada.  

I've also heard that a deep forensic audit of Dominion software voting machines was done in Michigan yet the results have been sealed from the public.  Once again, just let us know the results!  If it showed that a couple small glitches only made the difference of a few hundred votes, I will accept Biden's win as legitimate.  If the result is not revealed, it leads me to believe that there is something that they don't want us to know about.  I will remain suspicious and that's hardly an unreasonable view.  

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