Monday, September 16, 2024

Winter 25 Trip Ideas

 The original plan was Maui, Hawaii in either January or February but I am beginning to re-think that idea.  I have been to Hawaii twice before and visited the Big Island and Oahu.  No doubt that I do want to see both Maui and Kauai as well. 

 Unfortunately, the big negative is the cost.  Flights are relatively affordable but hotels could be upwards of $400 per night even if I don't stay on the beach.  A rental car is a necessity too as the Road to Hana is a must do.  Because of the jet lag, I almost have to take an extra day to recover on my way back and will likely take an overnight layover in Las Vegas.  Yes, I can afford all that but I'd likely have to skimp the rest of the year.  If I can only afford EITHER Alaska OR Hawaii, I choose Alaska because it's the only state that I have visited only once.  Alaska will be very pricey as well in the summer.  

I went to Colorado this past winter and enjoyed it but I am sticking to tropical destinations for the foreseeable future.  South Florida is never a bad idea but I want to be more adventurous.  Two options on my radar are Sayulita, Mexico and Cartagena, Colombia.

Sayulita- Though I have been to Mexico many times, I have never been to its Pacific coast (Tijuana doesn't count).  I can fly out of Birmingham with a single connection in Dallas and I believe it's only a 2 hour time difference.  The only negative is that I'll have to take a bus from Puerto Vallarta, which is about an hour away.  No rental car expense and hotels are very reasonable.  I can stay on the beach for under $100. Those beaches look nice too.  Probably not in the same league as Hawaii but certainly worth it.  There will be no side trips.  I'm only there for the beach and the local culture.  I could easily do this trip in 3 days plus 2 for travel.  Hawaii would require a full week if not more.

Cartagena- Not only have I never been to Colombia, I have yet to step foot on the entire South American continent.  This seems like a good introduction.  Hotels are more expensive than Mexico but much cheaper than Hawaii.  I might have to fly out of Atlanta but should have a simple connection in Miami with little to no jet lag.  Again, no rental car expense.  Just a 20 minute taxi ride to the beach.  

Here's where it gets a little complex.  I will likely stay in Boca Grande, preferably on the north side.  Word on the street is that the beach itself isn't all that great.  Sand is light grey and the water isn't clear but if there's decent surf with 85 degree water, it will be fun for me.  One tourist said that it looks comparable to South Carolina.  I'd have no complaints about that.  There are prettier beaches nearby but since those lack surf, I'll pass.  

In this location, I am NOT just there for the beach.  I want to see the walled city too.  Supposedly, it is safe and possible to walk from the beach, especially the north side, but taxis are plentiful.  I'd certainly wait until evening as I'm sure the heat and humidity will be brutal.  Again, I think I can do this one in 3 or 4 days.  

I may be able to do both Mexico and Cartagena in the same year.  Definitely not anything else besides Hawaii.

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