Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Training 5/25-5/31

5/25- Planned rest day.  Drive home

5/26- Just 1 mile in 7:44 at a comfortable effort.  Sustainable for 3 miles.

5/27- AM- Tested the CoQ10 and the gap remains significant but it has diminished.  I was 2:48 without it and 2:36 with it.  Gap is only 36 seconds per mile.
PM- Crash.  2 miles in 21:12 (10:36 pace).  I'll explain later.

5/28- I've had BAD joint pain the last couple of weeks, especially in the hip and groin.  Toxic metals are most definitely the culprit.  I woke up feeling MUCH worse than yesterday but was actually slightly better on caffeine.  TRS made a YUGE difference.  Apparently, I've uncovered another layer of toxic metals.  I'll need mega doses of TRS going forward.  I have extra bottles.

5/29- Not pretty at all but I'll take it.  In the morning, I was slightly better WITH caffeine but I'm still staying off it.  PM was Lakeshore 2.5 in 23:21 (9:21 pace).  I was 12-flat at the half but finished in 11:21 so that's a good sign.  I don't have much faith that I will EVER recover my energy and vitality.

5/30- Crash #2- 1 mile in 11:20 on Lakeshore.  Caffeine was actually helpful yesterday but today, it was not tolerated.  I was only marginally better in the afternoon.

5/31- AM- Opener in 3:52.  With CoQ10, I was only down to 3:47 so it's now official that CoQ10 no longer makes a significant difference.  With only 3 sprays of TRS, I was all the way down to 3:16 (MINUS 93/mile).  With a full dose, it would have been another MINUS 93 at least.

PM- Re-assessed my tolerance for caffeine and TRS and surprisingly, I was tolerant today.  Dipped down to 59.2 seconds for a half lap (5:55 pace).  I will try again to go clean starting tomorrow.

-13 miles on the week

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