Monday, August 19, 2024

Training 8/19-8/25

 8/19- Yesterday, I did the opener in 3:18 and the real workout was 1.5 @ 10:20.  Today was better.  Opener in 3:00 (9:00 pace).  Then hit Lakeshore for 2 miles in 19:32 (9:46 pace).  Progress.  I'm pleased with how well I've run the openers but not as pleased with the real workouts.  I'd still be well over 30 for a 5K.

PM- Half mile at Montreat in 4:31 (9:02 pace).  This was comfortable and felt sustainable for 2 miles.  As for the diet, I have been good about avoiding sugar and alcohol but I have cheated a few times on caffeine.  It didn't hurt me today and it may have been slightly beneficial but it must not become a daily habit.


8/20- No opener today.  Repeated the 2 miles on Lakeshore and my time is down to 18:44 (9:22 pace) with dead even splits.  A 30 minute 5K is 3.1@ 9:39.  It's close but I think I've got it.  Hopes will not start to rise until I get back down to 27.

PM- I've not been taking the B-vitamins every day though I am careful not to go too long without.  I suspected that taking them yesterday after the morning session made a difference in how I felt in the afternoon.


Methylation- 90

B12- 84

B-complex- 82

Plus a lap cool down.



Interesting.  Methylation was a non-factor.  The B12 wasn't a game changer but it improved my pace by 36/mile.  That's enough to be considered significant.  Slightly better on the complex but I don't consider 12/mile to be significant.  If I miss a dose, I'll notice only on a hard workout and won't collapse unless I skip it for 5-7 days.  I consider that to be "under control." Maybe someday, I'll react similarly to Thym Adren.

8/21- Hoped to do 3 @ low 9 pace today and failed.  Called it quits after just a half mile with a pace approaching 11.  Culprit was too much B12.  That's right.  The very same stuff that was beneficial yesterday triggered a collapse today.  

WHAT THE ----!  

This was confirmed in the afternoon.  Opened with a 1:36 then slipped to a 1:43 on extra B12.  It probably would have been worse if I let it fully absorb.  I don't think it's an autoimmune reaction.  It's just too stimulating.  I was down to 1:26 after extra Thym-Adren.  In the future, I must be very judicious with the B12.  Maybe I take the complex only without the stand alone B12.


8/22- Took only Thym Adren with no B-vitamins.  Workout was 1 mile at Montreat in 9:18.  Even pace with something left at the end but I don't think this was sustainable for 5K.  Not as bad as I expected but we'll see how I react tomorrow.  Perhaps I would do better on Hydroxy B12 instead of Methyl.


8/23- 3x 1 lap at Montreat.  Opened with a poor 3:44 (11:12 pace) but improved to 2:55 on Thym Adren (8:45 pace).  Effort was sustainable for 1-2 miles and I could have easily beaten yesterday's time.  The gap is FAR too large and it must close soon.  That said, it was not the primary concern today.

I took only the B-complex.  No stand alone B12.  The form was hydroxy and adenosyl rather than methyl and the dose was only half of what triggered the collapse.  I knew immediately that it was too stimulating but ran the lap anyway in a pitiful 3:33 (10:39 pace).  Only slightly better than the opener.  

It was a risk that I was willing to take to answer key questions.  The form of B12 doesn't seem to matter.  In the past, hydroxy was tolerated better than methyl.  Not so now.  I can't cut out the B12 altogether but my tolerance is limited.  I have ordered a spray from Yasko.  Until it arrives, I will have to break open capsules to keep my dosage at a level that is tolerable.


8/24-  Not much different than yesterday.  A little better on the opener (3:27) but still poor after the Thym-Adren.  Did 2 laps in 5:56 and would have had to fight for a sub-9 Mile.  Still clearing the excess B12.  Perhaps the tolerance improves on the days that I don't use caffeine.

Distance= 1.0

8/25- Tried Serine to blunt the overstimulation and it was a disaster.


-11 miles 

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