Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Possible Ski Trips

 Aside from the day trip to the Fort Payne area, there are several in the East that could be worth a visit on a weekend trip.  There is Gatlinburg, Tennessee as well Maggie Valley and Boone, North Carolina.  I might even go as far as southern West Virginia at Snowshoe if I really get into it.  Another option is to hop from one resort to the next.  That's more my style.  It's a bit of a detour but Boone to Gatlinburg is slightly more than 3 hours.  Of course, the ski/surf double is on my bucket list and my best chance is Maggie Valley/Charleston.

Word on the street is that once you go out West, you're spoiled for life and you'll never want to ski back east again.  Problem is the cost.  I've heard that at the best ski resorts such as Aspen, Jackson Hole and Breckenridge, lift tickets can cost you upwards of $150 per day.  Suppose that you have a family of 4 or 5 and you have to add in the cost of lodging, ski rentals and a rental car, many people would find that to be prohibitively expensive.  I'd be willing to go for 2-3 days but not a full week.  Big problem is that most organized group trips with the Birmingham Ski Club are indeed full week trips.  Perhaps I can find a maybe 2-3 others to join me on a smaller trip.  

Of course, there is also the weather forecast.  I may be willing to bite the bullet and pay for a last minute plane ticket if I know the weather will be good.  You don't want to be delayed by a snow storm even though roads are well taken care of out there.  Optimal conditions are clear and cold but not frigid.  On a cloudy day, spectacular views from the top of nearby mountains can be obstructed.  

Western Ski Resorts That I Would Visit:

-Flagstaff, Arizona.  This trip can be combined with the Grand Canyon and Sedona.  Bad weather prevented me from doing it justice last time.

-Park City, Utah.  I saw plenty of Southern Utah but not much of Northern Utah and have seen very little of Idaho.  I'd probably take 2 days to ski and 3 to road trip.  

Lake Tahoe- Epic California Road Trip that would include Pacific Coast HWY, Yosemite NP as well as skiing and surfing.

Breckenridge- Probably only a long weekend here.  It's 2 hours from Denver and I've got to ski in Colorado.

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