Tuesday, April 5, 2022



Two interesting tests last weekend. 

Day 1- Opened with a 94 first half lap, took 6 sprays of TRS and ran the back half in 95.  Essentially NO difference.  Popped an adrenal glandular and was MUCH better with a 76 (MINUS 1:54). 

After a serving of caffeine, I was horrible again but once again rebounded after taking an adrenal glandular.  Splits were nearly identical.  Good news is that the dosage of Fulvic Acid did not matter.

Day 2- I was better in my opener with an 87.  Took just 2 sprays of the TRS and improved to 78 so there was an improvement, but it was not as dramatic (MINUS 54).  If I had repeated the 6 sprays, I’m probably back to the mid-high 80s.  If I tried 10, I’m almost certainly WORSE than my opener. 

Why is this happening?

I have no doubt that it is detox.  In addition to the fatigue, I am getting headaches as well as strange pain under my ribcage, which is indicative of organ stress.  Lastly, I often feel my worst shortly before going to the toilet but am noticeably better immediately afterwards.  Unfortunately, that does not last long.  Simply put, I am being poisoned by toxins being released into my system that had been stuck in my organs for decades.    

Best course of action?

Still not sure.  I have the fast option and the slow option.  Here is the breakdown:

Slow- Take as much TRS as I can stand, which won’t be much while avoiding caffeine and adrenal glandulars.  It will take a long time to detox but when it’s over, my system won’t be as far out of balance.  I worry about another round of detox after this dump is complete. 

Fast- Load on TRS (10+ sprays each day).  Caffeine is allowed but it along with the TRS must be accompanied by an adrenal glandular.  I will still try to limit the caffeine.  Good news is that the toxins will be out faster.  Bad news is that I will be severely unbalanced when it’s over and I will need heavy adrenal suppressants.    

Fast oxidizers are better at eliminating toxins, so it does make sense that I feel better on the adrenal glandular.  It is facilitating removal while the suppressants hinder the detox process.  Caffeine probably contributes to the release of toxins as does the TRS.  If I go with the fast option, which is what I am leaning towards, I eliminate the newly released toxins.   

Update: Day 3- Opened with a 74, which is not bad.  Slipped to 89 on mega TRS and was further weakened by caffeine but again rebounded after taking the adrenal glandular.  I'm going with the fast option.

There are a few tell tale signs of success.  Eventually, mega doses of TRS will be tolerated and less effective.  The adrenal glandular should make things worse because I am already a fast oxidizer.  Also, caffeine should be tolerated up to 400 mg per day.  That equates to a can of Bang plus a Kickstart.  If I can handle that in additional to mega TRS without needing the adrenal glandular, there is a good chance that I’ve got the toxins out.  Will it be over after that?  Highly doubtful.  

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