Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ceruloplasmin and Candida

 Ceruloplasmin is a liver protein responsible for binding and carrying copper throughout the body.  In short, bound copper is good.  Unbound copper is bad.  I believe the Taurine and Glycine were effective in reducing the unbound copper and I now have a Zinc excess.  Zinc and copper must be in a proper ratio.  It's better to be mildly deficient in both than have one normal and one low.  A rheumatologist CANNOT help with this!  

 The new supplement is Liver Beef.  I took in regularly in 2014-15.  Yes, it did raise my low ceruloplasmin level but after just a few months on it, I developed a SUDDEN and SEVERE intolerance.  Just a few specks of it was enough to trigger severe fatigue and sore muscles.  I know now that this was an autoimmune reaction.  That should not happen now with the Cytokine and Lactoferrin.  The new pills will arrive in 2 days.  

It's possible but unconfirmed that the TRS depleted my Ceruloplasmin.  I needed to get those toxins out but the unforeseen consequences have been disastrous.  I believe that the candida was bound to the heavy metals.  Once I detoxed, the candida was free to wreak havoc like never before.  A normal ceruloplasmin level may have prevented this from happening.  ARGH!  

According to Analytical Research Labs, copper is a natural fungicide but it must be bound by Ceruloplasmin to be effective.  Perhaps, this is the final piece of the puzzle to kill off the candida. I predict the usual pattern.  After an initial shock reaction, I will develop an insatiable need.  When that calms down, I could see a candida dump but definitely an adrenal spike.  When that calms down, something else will likely pop up.     

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