Monday, May 20, 2024

Training 5/20-5/26

 5/20-AM- I am not going to do better with or without interval testing.  I already know the outcome.  Instead, I will try to stretch out the distance.  Today was a brutal 1.5 miles in 17:15 (11:30 pace).  Good news was a strong negative split (8:46-8:29), which is almost always a sign of improvement on the horizon.  Took 2 Liver pills and certainly would have done better on more.  I'll take 2 more in the afternoon and may be back out 

PM- Lakeshore 2.5 in 25:43 (10:17 pace).  Splits were 12:55-12:48 so the pace was more even.  At any rate, this was MUCH better than this morning.  I would have been over 35 for 5K just 12 hours earlier.  Now, I'm probably under 32.  I predict that I will get down to 27 by the end of the week and will be less dependent on the Liver.  BUT, I will see an intense candida dump and/or adrenal spike.  Then, the cycle repeats itself.


5/21- Split decision.  2 miles in 21:12 (10:36 pace) with even splits despite the back half being slightly uphill.  A lot better than yesterday morning but a step backwards from the evening.  I know why too.  I only took 2 Liver.  Mega doses will result in quick gains but I'm leaning towards a more gradual approach this time.  Perhaps the adrenal spike will be less severe.  That's it for today.

PM- Impromptu intervals because I felt a shift this afternoon.  Opened with a 1:54.  Improved to 1:45 on the Liver, which is significant.  Popped a Thym Adren and was down to 1:31.  Added a cool.  These were done at Montreat so even the last one was only a 9:06 pace.  I am faced with a double whammy.  I still need the Liver pills and my adrenals have spiked again.  I predict that I will soon be less dependent on the Liver but the adrenal spike could be stubborn.  


5/22- Facing the double whammy, test intervals were the only choice.  Opened with a pitiful 4:16 at Montreat (12:48 pace) but improved to 3:31 (10:33 pace) on 6 Thym Adren.  This was not a surprise.  What I wanted to know was how dependent I still am on the Liver.  I fared no better (3:32) but that was because I took NAC with it.  I was worse on the confirmation dose.  

I figured that I get the Ceruloplasmin from the Liver without the unbound Copper thanks to the NAC.  BAD CALL.  NAC simply depleted Copper too much and a doctor won't help.  I had no apparent trouble with the Curcumin.  I finished that bottle and won't re-order.  I'll have to do this again tomorrow.  Argh!


5/23- Opened with 6 Thym-Adren in 3:23 (10:09 pace).  Only slightly better than yesterday.  On 3 Liver pills, I improved to a 3:08 (9:24 pace).  On 6 Liver pills, I improved to a 3:03 (9:09 pace).  Not a significant gain.  Yes, I still need the Liver but that need is beginning to diminish.  The adrenal spike is another matter.  This one is a MONSTER and I don't see it going down any time soon.

PM- Lakeshore 1 mile in 10:25.  Splits were 5:19-5:06 so that's a good sign.  Had to take 3 more Thym Adren this afternoon.  This spike is MURDER 


5/24- Step backwards probably because I "only took 6 Thym Adren".  1 mile in 11:10 but did manage another negative split (5:44-5:26).  If I had taken the full 9, I bet I am slightly better than yesterday.

PM- More than slightly better than yesterday.  Improved to 9:08 with splits of 4:38-4:30.  I still say it's RIDICULOUS that 3 pills make THIS MUCH difference.  Perhaps the adrenal spike will die down in a few days.  From now on, I will take the full dose in the morning.  I will try to cut it to 8 then gradually reduce.  However, in the past, it flips overnight.  One day I need at least 6 to function then the next day, I can only tolerate 2-3.


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