Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Training 5/13-5/19

 5/13- AM Vestavia Mile in the rain and got about what I expected.  Improved by 51 seconds to a 10:59.  It took a late rally to get under 11 but I will take it.  Splits were 5:31-5:28.

PM- Began feeling better as the day progressed.  Repeated the time trial and did better than expected.  I was banking on a sub-10:30 but improved all the way to a 9:48.  This was done without extra pills.  Well paced again.  Both halves were 4:54 with only a 5-6 second spread.


5/14- Repeated it a 3rd time and my time is down to 8:38.  Splits were 2:07-2:12-2:14-2:05.  Still feel awfully overstimulated from the adrenal spike.  Room for much improvement and I am within 68 seconds of a PR

PM- Predicted bad weather so that's it for today.  Again, in a curious finding, I don't feel much immediate effects from the pills but do get better in the afternoon.  Evenings are a little rough and I'm ready for bed early.


5/15- Adrenal spike is over and I now must face the ill-effects of the overshot.  It will take a few days to reach equilibrium.  2 miles in 20:48 (10:24 pace) and it was ugly 


5/16- DISASTER.  1 MILE in 12:10.  Awful first half, marginally better on Taurine.  Significantly WORSE on Zinc.  WORSER on Curcumin, which I took just to finish the bottle.  I suspect that I am low in Copper and especially Ceruloplasmin.  I suspect that Curcumin depleted Copper.  If that's true, it's not an autoimmune reaction.  A Rheumatologist won't help.

PM- A little better.  Half mile in 5:15 plus a half mile cool.  Colostrum is no longer effective.


5/17- Not a big surprise.  I discontinued the Curcumin and the adrenal spike kicked back in.  Only did 1 mile on Lakeshore.  First half in 5:28 with 2 Thym Adren pills but improved to 4:56 on the back half after popping 2 more.  MINUS 64 per mile.  That is definitely enough to be considered significant.  The Liver Beef should arrive tomorrow

PM- Much better as the day progressed.  Improved to 8:21 at Vestavia.  Best time since the adrenal spike by 17 seconds.  Decent splits.  2;02-2:09-2:10-2:00.  Were the Curcumin issues related to the autoimmune condition or the mineral imbalance?  I am about 80 percent sure that it's the latter.  That will be confirmed shortly after the Liver pills arrive.


5/18- Hoped to run 4 this morning but settled for 2.5 in a time of 23-flat (9:12 pace).  Power cut off at 1.75 miles and the last half mile was a pitiful 5:02.

PM- Initial reaction to the Liver was sharply negative.  Slipped from 1:37 to 1:53 at Montreat.  PLUS 96.  However, that often means that come tomorrow, I will NEED IT!

UPDATE:  It's still evening and just 6 hours later.  The script has already flipped.  I NEED the Liver.  Good news is that the Curcumin is tolerated again.  The bad reaction to it was NOT an autoimmune issue and a doctor WON'T HELP!  I only have 8 of those pills left.  I'll finish the bottle and be done with it.  The big question is whether or not the bound copper will kill off the candida once and for all?


5/19- 4x400 at Vestavia.  Opened with 2 Thym Adren in 3:21 (13:24 pace).  Popped 2 more and was only slightly better at 3:17 (13:08 pace).  The need for Liver cut off the adrenal spike for the time being.

On 2 Liver pills, I was all the way down to 2:35 (10:20 pace) then another pill got it down to 2:13 (8:52 pace).  That's a MASSIVE gap.  It will close starting tomorrow.


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