Monday, June 10, 2024

Training 6/10-6/16

 6/10- North Lakeshore 3 mile in 26:15 (8:45 pace).  Splits were 13:03-13:12 but a slight positive split is to be expected on this route.  I would have needed a sub-48 in the last .11 to get a 5K PR.  Not likely.  If I had run it on a track, I think I am right there, give or take a few ticks.  There's plenty of room for improvement.


6/11- Planned to do a 1 Mile time trial but the track was closed.  Ended up back at South Lakeshore for 2 miles in 16:14 (8:07 pace).  Decent pacing (8:04-8:10).  Slipped a little early in Mile 2 but finished strong.  Added a half mile cool.

My 5K time would have been well under 27 and I think I can break 60 for 10K.  As for the Mile, I would have been well under 8, probably under 7:40 but not sure about 7:30.  At the current rate of improvement, it won't be too long.

PM- Naked 1.5 miles at Montreat.  Felt okay but I am obviously still overstimulated.  Great strides have been made but there is still a long way to go.


6/12- FAILURE.  1 MILE time trial in 9:02.  Odds are that the adrenal spike has gone down but I will tinker a bit with the pills.  I knew warming up that it would not be good but I gave it a try.  When I passed halfway in 4:12, I merely went through the motions.  Probably could have done a little better but not by much.

Update: Not a significant change from extra Thym-Adren but extra Liver made it MUCH WORSE!  Tylenol did nothing, which suggests it's NOT an autoimmune response.  Zinc and Glycine HELPED but NAC HURT.  

This probably means that the Zinc/Copper balance is off again.  Liver raises Copper and tanks Zinc.  Glycine and NAC reduce Copper.  Odds are that my Copper is too high relative to the Zinc now, which is a reversal from 2 weeks ago.  However, the combination of Zinc, Glycine and NAC took it too far.  Do I simply need to reduce the Liver or do I need to add back Zinc?  Hopefully, I don't have to mess with Glycine and definitely not NAC.

Zinc and Copper dysregulation is common among autistic people.  I was never diagnosed but am nearly certain that I am on the spectrum.

PM- CRAZY!  TERRIBLE reaction to just a trace of Liver.  Managed just 1:47 for a half lap (10:42 pace) but Zinc was a game changer.  2 pills got me down to 1:06 (6:36 pace).  No, it wasn't sustainable but still that was YUGE!  BAD reaction to probiotics later.  These probiotics probably depleted Taurine, which is necessary for mineral transport.  Perhaps I need to quit the Probiotics, reduce the Liver and add Zinc.  I hope that I won't be dependent on Zinc.


6/13- The adrenal spike is still there but it has diminished since last week.  That's good news.  I don't want it to disappear overnight then pop up again.  I had a STRONG negative response to the Liver.  Zinc did help mitigate some of the damage but it didn't get me all the way back.  

Maybe ditching the probiotics will allow me to take the Liver but if may have to just not mess with either the Liver or the Zinc.


6/14- Just farting around this morning but I answered key questions.  Since I did not take the Probiotics, would I be able to tolerate the Liver?  If so, what about the Zinc?  I opened with a 1:31 half lap then actually improved to a 1:27 on the Liver.  Well tolerated and that's bordering on significantly better.  On Zinc, I slipped to a 1:29 but that's not enough to be considered significant.  Added a half mile cool after that.  May have time for another junk run this evening.

Edit:  Seems like the ill-effects of Zinc kicked in harder after taking Thym-Adren.  Not sure what to make of that but I'm not taking it again for at least another week.


6/15- Planned rest day.  In Turks and Caicos for the next 4 days.  Not likely to do much while I am there

6/16- Elective rest day.

-11 miles on the week 

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