Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Training 6/3-6/9 (Liver Beef and Adrenal spikes)


Extreme dependence on Liver Beef has faded. My times are about the same, give or take a few ticks, no matter what my dosage.  I've gone as low as 2 pills and as high as 5 with similar results.  That's good news.  

Bad news is that I've become intolerant to Glycine, Zinc and Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid).  I do NOT believe it is an autoimmune reaction and thus a Rheumatologist won't help. FTR, Tylenol didn't help at all.  It is a severe deficiency of bound Copper (Ceruloplasmin) and Liver Beef is what I need to be taking to fix that.  All 3 aforementioned products deplete Copper so that does make sense.  When the Ceruloplasmin does normalize and I have every confidence that it will, the Candida may finally be destroyed.  Early signs are promising in that regard.

Also, the adrenal spike is not going down easily.  I still need at least 6 Thym Adren pills.  Probably 8 to be high functioning.  I hope that it's a gradual drop off but in the past, it suddenly stops and I am left on the other side of the spectrum from overshooting.  Maybe that doesn't happen this time.

6/3- 2 miles on Lakeshore in 20:50 (10:25 pace).  I hit the Mile in 10:40 then 2 additional Thym Adren pills brought me down to 10:10.  Enough to be considered significant but not a game changer.  This was the different from 6 pills to 8.  The difference from 4 to 6 is likely greater 

More experiments when I got home.  I fared only 6 ticks better on extra Liver (not significant) but an extra Thym-Adren did yield significant improvement.  I believe it was close to 30 seconds, so I got as much benefit from 8-9 as I did from 6-8. Perhaps the Liver increases the demand for Thym Adren.


6/4- Opened with Liver but no Thym Adren and clocked a 3:45 (11:15 pace).  That's BAD but it was an improvement over the 3:56 last week.  3 pills got me down to 3:25 and 6 pills got me to 3:08 (9:24 pace)

PM- Full mile nonstop in 9:24.  I maintained my interval pace for 3x the distance thanks to 2 additional pills.  I want to hold it at 8 then maybe gradually step down.  Tomorrow, I will try Thym Adren without Liver just to see what happens.


6/5- Opened with a 1:47 half lap (10:42 pace), which is an improvement over yesterday.  I bet the second half would have been slightly faster because I was warmed up.  Got down to 1:28 on 6 Thym Adren with no Liver then was fractionally slower on the Liver.  I can get by without the Liver for a few days but certainly not long-term.

On 8 Thym Adren, I went to Lakeshore for 2.5 miles in 23:43 (9:29 pace).  Even pace but could definitely still feel the adrenal spike.  MUCH better than yesterday.  Figure that I am about a minute per mile off my 5K PR.  I will try to cut the dose to 7 tomorrow then 6 on the weekend.


6/6- 2 miles in 18:40 (9:20 pace).  Marginally faster than yesterday over a shorter distance.  I'll call it a wash but I am still pleased.  I did indeed cut the dose to 7 and it didn't hurt me.  I bet I match yesterday's effort give or take a few ticks.  Even pace with a little left in the tank at the end.


6/7- Opened with a 3:29 on no pills (10:27 pace) for continued improvement.  Real workout was 2.5 on Lakeshore in 22:45 (9:05 pace).  Nice and steady improvement.  Not a significant gain compared to yesterday but a LOT BETTER than I was 4 days ago.  I will cut it to 6 tomorrow.  I feel like 7-8 pills is extreme but 6 feels like a more manageable condition.


6/8-Trak Shak 5 loop in 50:50 (10:10 pace) with a slight negative split (25:35-25:15).  Over 1 minute slower on the pace but I doubled the distance on a tougher route.  This wasn't that bad.  I did cut the dose to 6 and I could feel some ill-effects.  I plan to hold the dose at 6 until further notice.  Not sure if I could have matched yesterday's performance but I bet I come pretty close.


6/9- Lakeshore 2 in 17:48 (8:54 pace).  Back to form.  Maybe a hair better than Friday despite the lowered dose.  Splits were 8:59-8:49.  I think I could have held this pace for 5K, which brings me home in 27:45.  PR is 27:03 so I am within shouting distance.


-20 miles on the week.  I will keep the dose at 6 at least through the end of next week.

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