Monday, July 24, 2023

Training 7/24-7/30

 7/24- Not a collapse but a significant step backward.  2 miles in 20:52 (10:26 pace).  Even pace and wasn't totally spent at the end but I just could not pick it up.  I cheated yesterday and paid the price.  Glad it wasn't a collapse but I'm also glad that I did not get away with it.  I MUST be clean at least until the weekend.  Made it 6 out of 8 days now.


7/25-AM- Backwards again.  1.5 miles in 16:46 (11:10 pace) but I did have a negative split (8:30-8:16).  7 out of 9 days.  

PM- Much better.  2.5 on Lakeshore in 23:58 (9:35 pace).  Even pace but it did take a rally in the last quarter mile to break 24.  Sunday's cheating resulted in a 2 day blip and I seem to be back on track now.  Tomorrow will be 8 out of 10.  I can do it.

Distance= 4.0

7/26- 1 mile time trial at Vestavia plus a half mile cool.  I expected to finish between 8:15-8:30 and that's what I got.  Time was 8:24.4 (4:13-4:11).  Even pace with a decent kick.  I am officially 8 out of 10 with the diet.  Going for 10 out of 12 before my next cheat day.

Distance= 1.5

7/27- Never fails.  I get a little better for a few days then collapse.  What happened early in the week was not a surprise.  What happened today?  Never saw it coming.  I aimed for 2.5-3.5 and realized early on that I wasn't going to make it.  Turned around at 0.75 and could not even finish 1.5.  Called it quits after 1 mile in 10:54 with a pace approaching 12 by the end.  Added a half mile walk of shame.  

Culprit was the Thym-Adren.  Only last week, it was marginally beneficial.  Body feels sluggish and stiff but I thought that was Candida.  I've confirmed that this is not auto-immune related.  Why did this happen so suddenly?  I performed better in the evenings than the mornings this week.  Did my system clear it out?  Maybe it wasn't the cheating on Sunday that caused the problems on Monday and Tuesday morning.  In my anger, I cheated again today.  I'm still 8 for 11 but need to be perfect for the next 10 days to meet my goal.

Distance= 1.0

7/28- Unplanned rest day.  Felt better after taking adrenal glandulars but I know it's only a temporary fix.  Clean diet.

7/29- 4x1/2 lap at Montreat with adrenal glandulars after each interval.

Splits were 1:54-1:41-1:32-1:23.  Much better with every pill but didn't feel comfortable taking more.

Added a 1 lap cool at glacial pace.

Distance= 1.0

7/30- Failed again.  1 mile at Lakeshore in 12:18.  This time the adrenal glandulars made things WORSE.  I'm done until further notice.

Distance= 1.5

- 11 miles

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