Monday, February 3, 2025

Training 2/3-2/9

 2/3- Repeated the 3 mile distance this time at North Lakeshore and my time is down to 27:24 (9:08 pace).  Negative splits today.  9:18-9:04-9:02.  Didn't have as much left at the end but that's okay.  This is exactly 2 hour pace for a half marathon.  Nearly a quarter of the way there.  25 seconds faster per mile compared to yesterday.  I'd actually like to see a more gradual improvement.


2/4- 2 miles on Lakeshore in 17:34 (8:47 pace).  Good job.  I wasn't sure how I would do today because it was an evening workout, 10 hours after taking Thym Adren.  Yes, I was overstimulated and may have been a little better in the morning but I'll take it.  Splits were 8:32-9:02 but I was pretty even after a too fast first half mile.  

In the future, I want all my daily runs to be at least 3 miles.  I will throw in a Mile time trial every now and then but no more 1.5 or 2 mile junk runs.


2/5-AM.  Interval tests.  I'll only do this once a week going forward.  Thym Adren was probably beginning to wear off by the evening yesterday.  By the next morning, it was completely out 

Opener was a pitiful 1:42.8 (10:17 pace).  I really could not go any faster.  Popped the 6 Thym Adren and improved to a 59.6 (5:57 pace).  MINUS 4:20!


PM- 4 miles on Lakeshore.  Bottom leg plus extension in 37:50 (9:28 pace).  Overall, I am pleased despite the poor pacing.  Splits were 9:02-9:28-9:42-9:38.  6.2@9:39 seems too tough right now.  Fresh legs will make a difference.  I was spent when I finished and would not have kept the pace under the standard much longer.


2/6- Planned rest day.  I've earned it.

2/7- AM-1 Mile time trial at Vestavia.  Finished in 11:42 with splits of 5:40-6:02.  Knew it before I started.  

The culprit is too much Thym Adren.  Just 2 days ago, I was WORTHLESS without it.  Now, I am worthless on the mega dose.  I will sharply reduce the dosage and hope to stabilize on 2-3.

I expect to be better this weekend but will probably not be up for a 10K time trial.

PM- Repeated the Mile distance this time at Montreat.  Improved to 9:48 with a strong negative split (5:03-4:45).  Expected to improve with the clearance of excess pills but not by this much.



 I collapsed because I took excess adrenal suppressants when I no longer needed them.  This hurts but I can accept it.  This is what is supposed to happen and it's a simple fix.  Reduce the dosage and I will feel better. If I collapsed because of the Melatonin, B-Vitamins or something that I ate or drank, I'm screwed.  

Still, it was unnerving to me that I was THAT BAD this morning just 36 hours after a decent 4 Miler.  I probably should have known on Wednesday night when I was SPENT after the workout.  I incorrectly attributed it to normal fatigue from increased training.  The evening session makes me feel a little better.  I was THAT BAD in the morning because it was done just minutes after the pills.  I could have salvaged a workout if I had waited until evening.

2/8- 1.5 mile junk run on Lakeshore extension in 15:32 (10:21 pace).  I don't like doing these but I don't have much choice.  Cut the Thym Adren dose to 2 and this was about what I expected.  Much better than yesterday morning but a tad worse than the evening.  Again, I had a strong negative split (8:02-7:30).  Hope to do at least 3 tomorrow.


2/9- 3 miles in 28:08 at Heardmont (9:23 pace).  Satisfactory.  Splits were 9:39-9:21-9:08.  Better than I did 7 days ago but still short of where I was before the relapse.  I think I could have coaxed another mile in less than 10 minutes and matched my 4 Mile time (give or take).  This was done on 3 Thym Adren pills and I hope to hold it there.


-16 miles on the week.  Let's shoot for 20 going forward.

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