Saturday, January 25, 2025

Training 1/25-2/2

 1/25- Interval tests


Low dose Melatonin-85.4- Not a significant difference but I did feel just a tad more sluggish.

B-Complex-79.5- Significant improvement but not a game changer 

Thym Adren-75.0- Once again, significant improvement but not a game changer.

Methyl Folate- 50.8.  Yes, that's right.  FIFTY POINT EIGHT!  Definitely a game changer!

Quercetin and NAC- Noticeably weaker.  Treated it as a cool down.  Untimed.



I had trouble with Melatonin last week but found the solution.  I need a B-complex, which is not unexpected.  MF without the B-complex is usually not a good idea.  I won't need the complex every day.  Just don't go a week without it.

MF is still the key.  I am disturbed by just how much difference it did make.  That's more than a 3 minute gap.  That's got to shrink in the future.  Unfortunately, Melatonin is still needed at 5 mg or else the sensitivity will flare up again.

1/26- 3 miles on North Lakeshore in 26:48 (8:56 pace).  Very pleased especially with the splits.  9:08-8:58-8:42.  I did increase the effort in the last mile but I was far from all out.  This projects to about a 27:53 for 5K.  That's about a minute off my reset PR.

PM- Interval tests at base effort.

Opener-75.5 (7:33)

10 mg Melatonin-78.3 (7:50)

B-complex- 73.3 (7:20)

Not a severe reaction to Melatonin but if I hadn't been taking B-complex before this, it would have been a disaster.  As it is, the reaction was borderline insignificant.  I did gain after taking the B-complex but it was not a significant improvement over the opener.  Good news all around.  If for whatever reason, I need extra Melatonin, I won't react that badly to it and the B-complex will get me back to where I was before if not a hair better.


1/27- AM- Just 1 sprint.  Wanted to be under 80 or at least see an improvement from the 84 last opener.  Running all out, I managed a 70.5 on no pills.  Still a long way from the 50.8 ceiling but it's progress.

 PM- Planned on either 2 or 2.5 miles but called it at 1.33 for a total of 1.5 on the day.  Felt pretty good during the day and started off pretty well with a pace around 8:30 for the first quarter mile.  The power cut off after that.  The back half was approaching 12 minute pace.  Probably not enough MF.  I only took a low dose this morning.


1/28- 2 miles on Lakeshore in 17:58 (8:59 pace).  This is what I meant to do yesterday.  Looks okay on the surface but the splits were BAD (8:17-9:41).  I was doing sub-8 for most of the first half mile but felt the power fade after about 0.4. At least I didn't completely collapse this time and rallied in the last 0.1 to get the sub-18.  I have an INSATIABLE NEED FOR METHYL FOLATE.  Surely, this pattern won't last much longer.


1/29- Felt awful at work today even though I took plenty of MF.  It's obvious that I still need Intrinsic Factor.  Shortly after popping one of those pills, I was MUCH BETTER.  Workout was 1 Mile at Vestavia in 7:34.1 (3:44-3:50).  Just 4 seconds off my reset PR.  Good start, struggled in the middle but came back in the last 200.


1/30- Awful again.  Hoped for 3 miles this morning but settled for 1 in a time well over 10 minutes.  Never did have a good pace and it was worse in the back half.  Took plenty of MF and it didn't help.  My only conclusion is that I am seeing an increased need for Intrinsic Factor.  The new bottle should arrive today.


Update: Learned that MF increases the need for B12.  Intrinsic Factor is needed to absorb it.

1/31- Planned to rest today but needed a test at standard effort.  No sprinting.


Methyl Folate-88

Intrinsic Factor- 78

Extra MF-81

1 lap cool.

Confirmed that Intrinsic Factor is what I need.  Maybe I can reduce the MF.


2/1- It appears that the need for MF has diminished.  Not surprisingly, it has been replaced by an adrenal spike.  Did 1 Mile at Heardmont in 9:47 overall.  1st half in 5:18 then improved to 4:29 after I popped 2 more Thym Adren.


2/2- 5000 meters at Heardmont in 29:45 (9:33 pace).  An improvement over yesterday and hope to build on it.  The adrenal spike is not going to go down any time soon so it will be 6 Thym Adren until further notice.  

This wasn't good by any stretch but it ends on a note of hope.  Splits were 9:18-9:50-9:34-63.  I wasn't sure if I would even finish at the halfway point but showed surprising life at the end.  Passed 12 laps in 28:42 and planned to stop there but with the sub-30 in the bag, I kept going to make it legit.


-15 miles total 

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