Monday, June 24, 2019

Training 6/24-6/30

6/24 AM- Opener without the Maca.  Did 1 lap at Montreat in 3:48 (11:24 pace).  As bad as it was, it was better than I did yesterday without the pills.  Went to Gold's and ran the next 2.67 miles in 23:51 (8:56 pace) and it took a rally in the last half mile to get under 9 overall.  Overall time for 3 miles was 27:39 (9:13 pace).  That's better than yesterday but I was hoping for and expecting a greater improvement.  The gap in performance is still massive.  Both the ceiling and the floor will improve in subsequent days but the floor will rise faster than the ceiling.

PM- Noticeably better.  Repeated the Gold's workout for the sake of consistency.  Improved to a 25:52 (8:37 pace).  MINUS 19 compared to the morning and that is enough to be considered significant.  Can I consider this Day 1 of sustained improvement?  Tried the one treatment left that I am willing to risk a relapse and that is Apple Cider Vinegar.  No problem yet but we will see in the morning.

6/25- AM Opener- 3:19 (9:57 pace).  With Maca.  2:14 (6:42 pace). plus a lap cool.  The floor improved by 87 seconds in terms of pace.  The ceiling is rising much more slowly but that is to be expected.  Still, the gap is a WHOPPING 3:15 now.  That will close every day from now on.  More good news is that the Apple Cider Vinegar is tolerated.

PM- A little worried at times as I felt a little sleepy in the afternoon but I was better by the evening.  Lakeshore 4 in 32:52 (8:13 pace).  Even pace.  Never went above 8:20 or below 8:07.  In terms of pace, I was 24 better than yesterday but it was over an extra mile and done in much tougher conditions.  90 degrees with a dew point near 70.  Day 2 of sustained improvement?

6/26- AM- Opener in 2:55.7 (8:47 pace).  MINUS 70.  Closer in 2:07.8 (6:23 pace).  MINUS 19.  This is EXACTLY what I wanted/hoped to see.  Both the floor and the ceiling improved but the improvement in the floor was much greater.  The gap has been reduced from 3:15 down to 2:24.  I predict that by the weekend, the gap will be under 60.  A difference of a full minute per mile is my definition of a "night and day" difference.

PM- 5 miles in 39:53 (7:59 pace).  Back under 40!  YES!  Pace was just a tick over 8 most of the way.  Rallied from 12 seconds down with a mile to go with a 7:41 closer.  Can I sustain this?

6/27-AM  Finally, a REAL interval workout.  8x400 at Mountain Brook plus recovery jogs.  Used the first lap as the opener and the last lap as the closer.  Opener with no pills was a continued improvement.  Managed a 1:55 (7:40 pace).  Probably translates to about 8:00 at Montreat.  Aimed for 1:40 for #2-7 after the pills and it was a little too easy.  I usually came through 200 at 47 then just cruised it home.  All were 1:38-1:40 with most in 1:39.  #8 was all out.  Finished in 84.1 (5:36 pace).  Pleased with the improvement in the ceiling.  I bet that I could have gone sub-2 at Montreat (6:00 pace).  The only downer was that the gap remains extreme.  It's still 2:04 per mile!  That's it for today.  Next time, I'll shoot for 95s on all intervals.

6/28- Planned rest day.  It will be a day off the pills with no TRS the night before.  It will be a rough day but my liver needs a break every 10-14 days.  I expect to be sufficiently recovered by tomorrow.

6/29- FINALLY a successful group run.  Did 9 miles in 81:27 (9:03 pace).  Not bad overall.  Really struggled in Mile 5-6 but that was only because I didn't have any Gatorade.  After that, I rallied for an 8:45 pace the rest of the way and actually pulled away from the back of the group.  Added a mile cool at glacial pace.

6/30- 2 mile recovery jog and it probably would have been better to take a complete rest.  Granted, I have upped both the mileage and intensity this week but I don't think I should be THIS sore and tired.  This is NOT a relapse.  It would feel very much different.

-32 miles on the week.

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