Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Training 10/23-10/29

 As expected, the Curcumin is SUDDENLY ineffective.  I predicted this.  I knew it would happen, but I had no idea when it would.  Again, it does NOT hurt me if I take it, which tells me that the autoimmune issues remain under control.  This does also raise further questions.  Is the Candida treatment finished or do I need another round of detox?  Something tells me that I need another round.  I still have a bit of a rash on my armpit and my butt but it only itches after a cheat day with my diet.  My focus is on the predicted adrenal spike.  It is BAD!  I need mega Thym-Adren until further notice.  However, unlike with the detox, it will be a gradual process in which I become less dependent from day to day.

10/23- Intervals at Lakeshore.  4x 0.20 miles plus a cool.  As expected, I was AWFUL on no pills then fared only marginally better on Curcumin.  Just ONE Thym-Adren made a significant difference, and another brought me back to semi-respectability.  However, the good feeling was short-lived as I needed more and more throughout the day.


10/24- The HATED better with or without test at Montreat.  It's the only thing that I can do.  

Floor: 4:12 (12:36 pace).  Ceiling- 3:26 (10:18 pace).  GAP is 2:18.  I actually thought the gap would be larger but I'm sure that it would be if I had taken more pills.  Added a 1 lap cool.


10/25- Repeated yesterday's workout and saw improvement.

Floor- 3:48 (11:24 pace).  MINUS 72.  Ceiling- 3:08 (9:24 pace).  MINUS 54.  GAP is down to 2:00.  

I can't complain.  This is exactly what is supposed to happen.  Both the floor and ceiling will improve but the rate of improvement is faster with the floor.  Eventually, the difference will become insignificant, and I can get by with a few days off the pill.  

PM- Non-stop Mile also at Montreat in 11:19.  Even pace with splits of 5:38-5:41 and no real effort to kick.  I'm fine with this.  I needed to know my starting point.  If I'm still over 10 at the end of next week, we've got problems.  I expect improvement to be rapid at this stage.    


10/26- Better than expected compared to yesterday.  

Floor: 3:21 (10:03 pace).  MINUS 81. Ceiling: 2:48 (8:24 pace).  MINUS 60.  EXACTLY the pattern that I want to see.  I'll keep doing it until the floor is under 7:00 pace.  The gap is down to 1:39 and today's floor is higher than the ceiling of 2 days ago.

PM- Montreat Mile in 9:34.  1st half- 4:52, 2nd half- 4:42.  Better than expected.  Simply hoped for a sub-10 and I crushed it.  Still, I am nearly 2 minutes off the reset PR.


10/27-  Better than expected again.

Floor: 2:52 (8:36 pace). MINUS 87.  Ceiling: 2:30 (7:30 pace).  MINUS 54.  GAP is down to 1:06.  Clearly, I am on the right track.  I'll take a break from these trials and try to break 2:20 on the floor next week.  

PM- 2 miles on Lakeshore in 18:48 (9:24 pace).  Gotta be pleased.  Doubled the distance and managed a pace that was marginally faster.  Splits were 9:30-9:18.  I had plenty left in the tank and could have broken 30 for 5K.  That's what I will try to do tomorrow.


10/28- North Lakeshore 3 in 28:33 (9:31 pace).  Pleased.  The rate of improvement is slowing and that is to be expected but I've still got some room left.  The 3 mile equivalent of a sub-30 5K is 29-flat, give or take a few seconds so I was comfortably below that.  Once again, I ran a strong negative split.  1st half- 14:36, 2nd half- 13:57.  Not sure what to make of that. The back half really didn't feel that much faster and it was slightly uphill too.  


10/29- Split decision on this one.  Hoped to run 4 miles on South Lakeshore and settled for 3 initially.  Finished in 27:09 (9:03 pace), which looks like a nice improvement over yesterday.  Unlike my previous efforts, I got out faster today but struggled down the stretch.  1st half- 13:12, 2nd half- 13:57.  Even still, the back half was exactly the same as yesterday and the last mile in 9:25 was faster than the overall pace yesterday.  However, I could feel a massive fade coming and doubted my ability to finish another mile without stopping. A 5K would have been a hair above 28.       

I took about a 3-5 minute break then went back out for another mile as a glorified cool down.  Pace was over 10 most of the way but found surprising life at the end and finished in 9:44.  The last quarter mile was well under 9 minute pace.


- 16 miles on the week.  I'll shoot for 20 next week. 

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