Sunday, July 14, 2024

Training 7/13-7/21

 7/13- An improvement.  Yesterday, it took me 4:10 to run a lap without pills.  Today, my time was down to 3:32.  As for the real workout, I managed 1.5 miles in 16:06 (10:44 pace).  Negative split.  8:08-7:58.


7/14- Another very positive step.  Opening lap in 3:10.  Then 2.5 miles in 24:08 (9:39 pace).  This is right at 30 minute pace for 5K and I bet I break it if I kept going.  Can I get down to 27-ish in 2 weeks for Retro?  Barring a relapse, I think so.


7/15- Progressing ahead of schedule.  Opening lap in 2:51 without pills.  Real workout was 2 miles in 17:48 (8:54 pace).  This would bring me home in about 27:45 if I can maintain it for 5K.  I've been off caffeine for 5 days.  Cravings should diminish.


7/16- Setback.  Never fails.  Every time I feel like I'm getting close to 5K race shape, it's something like this.  I said earlier that while caffeine is not tolerated, alcohol seems to be no problem.  Wrong!  I had 1 beer on Saturday, 3 on Sunday and 2 yesterday.  Hardly a binge!  I was noticeably worse after the 2 beers yesterday.  I managed only a 1:34 half lap WITH Thym Adren.  The only thing that helped was the Liver (1:27-1:22).  Back to Day 1 tomorrow with no sugar or alcohol.


7/17- Opened with a 3:48 lap.  Not much better on Thym Adren (3:43).  Significantly better on Liver (3:20) but still not good.  

PM- Montreat Mile in 10:13.  In the afternoon, I did benefit from Thym Adren.  I passed halfway in 5:21 but improved to 4:52 after popping the pill.  Should be better tomorrow.


7/18- Opener in 3:26 (10:18 pace).  Much better than yesterday's 3:48.   Liver helped but it wasn't a game changer.  Thym-Adren is.  

Real workout was 1.5 miles in 15:31 (10:21 pace).  I was hoping to do a little better than that but no need to panic.  Day 2 is often worse than Day 1 especially when it comes to the adrenal spike.  Pace was only 8 seconds slower and I increased the distance by 50 percent.


7/19- Opener was down to 3:12 (9:36 pace) while the real workout was 2 miles in 19:23 (9:41 pace).  I'll take it.  Significant improvement over yesterday.  Long way to go.


7/20- Interesting findings today.

Opener is down to 2:55 (8:45 pace).  Very pleased with that.  Not as pleased with the real workout.  It was 3 miles on North Lakeshore in 28:11 (9:24 pace).  Better than yesterday over a longer distance but nearly 40 seconds slower pace than the opener.  Even pace (14:04-14:07) despite the slope.  Rain came down a bit harder on the back half but I don't think it affected me.  This translates to roughly 29:15 for a full 5K.  Long way to go.  


7/21- Hated intervals.  4x half lap at Montreat plus a one lap cool.

Zero pills- 85 (8:30 pace)

2 pills- 70 (7:00 pace)

4 pills- 67.5 (6:45 pace)

5 pills- 77.0 (7:42 pace).

As I began to suspect yesterday, the adrenal spike is beginning to go down.  Yesterday's workout would have been better on a lower dose.  The optimal dose was probably 3 pills and my time would have been close to 60.  

It is still quite disturbing that the gaps in performance remain significant.  The difference between zero pills and 2 pills is 90 seconds per mile.  If I had attempted this on 6 pills, I am likely WORSE than the opener.  I almost certainly would have been worse than yesterday in a real workout.  

-19 miles 

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