Monday, July 22, 2024

Training 7/22-7/28

 7/22- Split decision.  I'm getting better and better without the Thym-Adren.  Dipped below 80 on a half lap (79.9) but that's sub-8 pace versus 8:30 yesterday.  Bad news is that I am becoming intolerant to Thym-Adren.  

I was a little better on 2 pills (72.7) but not as good as yesterday.  Then, much worse on 4.  Real workout was a disaster.  1 mile in 11:31 on 4 pills.  Just yesterday, I was marginally better on 4 pills versus 2.  

After some experiments, I found out that Liver is the culprit.  I was worser after an extra Liver pill.  Better with Zinc but not with NAC.  The adrenal spike has not gone down after all.  The problems with Thym-Adren stem from Zinc/Copper dysregulation, which sadly is common among autistic people.  Do I need to switch to Zinc?  Stop the Liver?  Simply reduce the Liver?  I'll find out soon.  Likely OUT for Retro on Saturday.


7/23- Thym Adren is still tolerated at low doses.  Went with neither the Liver nor the Zinc.

Without- 1:43.  With Thym-Adren- 1:33


7/24- SEVERE CANDIDA DUMP.  Running is out until further notice 

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