Monday, August 5, 2024

Candida Dump

 This happened in the last week of July and though the stomach pain is almost gone, the adrenal spike is not going down any time soon.  Big questions:

Why did it happen?

Most probably, I was too aggressive with the Liver Beef.  I found that if I crossed the line with too much caffeine or alcohol consumption, Thym-Adren wasn't effective.  I had to take extra Liver Beef to feel somewhat better.  After I reduced consumption of forbidden drinks, I remained on the extra Liver Beef.  After several days, I could not tolerate Thym-Adren IF I took too much Liver.  Eventually, I stopped the Liver but it was too late.  

My stomach started KILLING me beginning on the afternoon of 7/24.  Symptoms fit the candida dump to a T so there was never any doubt as to the nature of the problem.  I've had 3 prior dumps, most recently in April.  This one was the most painful, which is a surprise.  The dumps had been getting less severe in both intensity and duration.  Not so this time.  My stomach pain was so bad that I could not even sleep properly the first 2-3 days.  I had to lie down on my back because it was too painful to roll over on my side.  I had night sweats, white discharge in my stool,  a low grade fever (100.4 degrees) and hyperventilation as well.  I could not even walk normally as I was bent over in pain.  Add to that, I could not take a sick day at work because it was my week to answer the phones.  I was in obvious pain and all my co-workers knew it too.

Come Friday, I was somewhat functional and able to sleep properly.  I did plenty of that over the weekend.  It wasn't until the next Tuesday, 7 days after the symptoms hit that I was physically able to run.  After 2-3 days of improvement, the adrenal spike hit and it will take time to die down.


I have been sugar, caffeine and alcohol free for 10 days and counting.  Going for 21 then no more than 1 cheat day per week.  Even with the proper treatments, candida may never go away if it is being fed its sugar.  It's coming easier now.  In the past, I failed because of frustration over auto-immune reactions.  Let's hope I've got that beat once and for all.  

I did go back to the Liver but only 1 pill per day.  I've had no problems on that dosage.  Will I try to increase it again?  Maybe but not for a while.  I could see another dump.  I'm actually willing to deal with the discomfort of a dump to hasten the removal of the candida but it CANNOT be this severe ever again.  If I can tolerate high doses of Liver without the symptoms of a dump, I may be in the clear.  I still do have a bit of a rash above my ass crack but the one on my armpit is definitely fading.  

I will not try to increase the Liver dose again until I get back from California.  Man, if this monster hit when I was on that trip, I don't know what I could do.  

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