Monday, August 12, 2024

Training 8/12-8/18

 8/12- New week.  New problem.  Plan was to repeat the 3 miler from yesterday, hopefully with a pace in the mid-9s.  I was sluggish from the start and got worse on the back half.  Settled for just 1 Mile in a time of 11:15.  This time, the culprit is Taurine.

No relief after taking the Liver.  No relief after the CBS/NOS pill.  Probiotics did help.  Not a surprise.  It neutralizes the effects of the Taurine.  It's got to be both or neither.  I'm going with neither though I might try a reduced dose of Taurine down the road or an off/on schedule.  If the Taurine gets too low, the extreme mineral sensitivity will flare up again.  I could see another adrenal spike after quitting Taurine.


8/13- Unplanned rest day.  I cheated out of frustration.  No big deal as long as I get back on track tomorrow.  Felt no better this afternoon.  Maybe worse.  Turned out that B12 (the same stuff that triggered a collapse last week) is necessary after all.  Perhaps it is simply not tolerated with the Liver but B12 alone is okay.  Took extra Taurine and did NOT have a bad reaction.  Go figure.  

8/14- Hated intervals.  Had to do it to get some answers.  Opened with a 1:38 on no pills.  Though I had no apparent issues with Taurine after taking B12 last night, I was noticeably weaker on the run.  Slipped to 1:50 after 2 pills.  Not a total collapse but this is significantly worse.  PLUS 72 per mile.  If I had just taken 1 and didn't run, I probably don't notice and would continue to get worse for a few more days.  I have to be obsessive.   

A couple more interesting finds:  Extra B12 after the Taurine.  Down to 1:46.  Slightly better but not enough to be significant.  B12 is tolerated without the Liver.  Popped 2 Thym-Adren and did a 1:45.  That's a non-factor.  Is the adrenal spike over?  Did the Liver contribute to the spike?  I will find out this evening, I hope.


8/15- Unplanned rest day.  Taurine cleared.  Monster adrenal spike hit by the afternoon.

8/16- Opened with a 4:02 lap at Montreat, which is just about what I expected.  Thym-Adren did help (3:38) but it didn't feel right.  I suspected that Colostrum was making me feel sluggish and I was correct.  Sure enough, I was back over 4:00 on extra Colostrum.  Then, another adrenal spike hit that evening.


8/17- More like it.  Opened with a 3:52 (11:36 pace) then was all the way down to 3:04 (9:12 pace) on the Thym Adren.  Gap of 2:24, which will diminish.  Added a cool down lap.


8/18- Lap without pills.  Time was all the way down to 3:18 (9:54 pace).  Yuge improvement.  Real workout was 1.5 miles in 15:30 (10:20 pace).  Hoped for better than that but did run a strong negative split (7:54-7:36).  The back half was what I was supposed to do.


-6 miles 

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