Thursday, August 1, 2024

Training 7/31-8/11

 7/31- First time in a week that I am physically able to run.  The stomach pain was too debilitating even as recently as yesterday.  It's still ugly.  Did a half lap in 2:25 without pills then only a 2:19 (13:54 pace) with pills.  At these paces, I don't consider that to be a significant gain.  Got home in the evening and improved to 1:51 (11:06 pace) but I was spent.  That's massive.  Maybe I can train normally starting next week.


8/1- Full lap in 3:37 (10:51 pace) plus a half lap cool.  Only a modest improvement in the pace but I doubled the distance.  I'll take that any day.

PM- Half lap in 1:32.7 (9:16 pace).  This hurt.  I was bent over and sucking wind when it was over but the same effort yesterday yielded only a 1:51.  Massive improvement.


8/2- Went to Vestavia track for a half mile.  Finished in 4:48 (9:36 pace) with splits of 2:28-2:20.  I'll take it.  If I had attempted this just 24 hours ago, I bet I'm over 5:30.  That's it for today.  Full mile tomorrow.  7 days clean on the diet.


8/3- Adrenal spike.  Heardmont Mile in 11:41.  OUCH!  Can't say that I am surprised.  Stayed strong.  Clean diet for 8 days.


8/4- Back to Heardmont and repeated the Mile.  Improved to 9:46 plus a half mile cool.  MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT!  Stomach is still a bit jacked up and the adrenal spike won't go down easily.  Day 9.  Almost halfway to 21.

Distance- 1.5

8/5- Day 10.  I'll be halfway home by tonight.  2 miles on Lakeshore in 19:08 (9:34 pace).  I doubled the distance and still beat yesterday's pace.  I'll take that any day.  Taking 6 Thym Adren pills and will hold it there until further notice.  I haven't tried it but a lap without pills would be UGLY.

Distance- 2.0

8/6- Day 11.  BAD one.  I wanted to test myself without the pills and did a half lap in 1:48 (10:48 pace).  I knew it would be bad but I expected it to be in the low-mid 1:30s after yesterday's effort.  The real workout was worse.  Culprit was too much B12, which apparently is too much of a stimulant.  Took a confirmation dose at the half mile mark and couldn't even finish the back half.  Odds are that this is a 1-2 day blip.  Days like this often lead to cheating on the diet out of frustration.  MUST stay strong!

Distance- 1.0

8/7- Day 12.  Excess B12 hasn't fully cleared but this was better than yesterday.  Half lap without pills was 1:40.8 (10:05 pace).  Real workout was 1.5 on Lakeshore in 15:22 (10:15 pace) plus a short cool.  Before the candida dump, I dipped below 1:20 on a half lap without pills.  Long way to go.  I will NOT cheat today.

PM- Concerned that I wasn't feeling better this afternoon.  Suspected Liver was the culprit.  Hated intervals:





Mostly good news.  I was quite sluggish on the opener.  With a full dose of pills, I should be better than a 9:00 pace for a half lap.  I expected a total collapse after extra Liver but I held up.  Yes, this was significantly worse but certainly not a collapse.  That's only 30 seconds slower per mile.  Extra Thym Adren did help but it wasn't a game changer.  The Zinc was a non-factor.  I was better by only a half a second.  That tells me that the Zinc to Copper balance is okay.  I will cut out the Liver and hope to get better by the weekend.


8/8- Day 13.  Planned rest day.  Since I took extra Liver yesterday, I know that I would have struggled today.  I must improve tomorrow or I might cheat.

PM- Feeling different by the afternoon.  No longer sluggish but overstimulated.  That's how I should feel during an adrenal spike.  I thought perhaps the Taurine needed to go.  Apparently not.  I improved from 83 to 78 after popping one of those. I don't think it was that effective.  I just wasn't warmed up before the opener. Added a very slow cool.


I wouldn't call this a collapse.  Just a tweak to the formula.  If this happens once a month, I'm okay with it but not every week.

8/9- Day 14.  Only 1 week to go.  Lakeshore Mile in a brutal 11:42.  Cutting out the Liver further stimulated the adrenals?  That's the only explanation I can consider.  Should be better tomorrow.  


8/10- Lakeshore 2 in 21:56 (10:58 pace).  Better than yesterday and I feel less overstimulated but that's still BAAAAUHD!   This is Day 15.  If I am not better in 6 days, I could lose motivation.


-17 miles.

8/11- North Lakeshore 3 in 30:16 (10:05 pace).  Dead even splits with something left at the end.  Much better than yesterday.  This is Day 16.  I can make it 5 more days.  Can I stick to it after the 21 days are up?


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