Monday, August 16, 2010

training 8/16-8/22 (race week)

8/16- A bit sluggish this weekend. Took Lithium last night and it made it worse. Does that mean that I can quit taking that stuff too? That would be a MIRACLE! I took NOTHING today and felt better and better as the day progressed. 7 miles in 50:43 (7:15 pace). That's a 3:10 BQ marathon pace and it felt EASY! My chances may be slim at Huntsville but it's still 4 months away and I'm beginning to think that I really do have a shot.
Grade:A/1 credit/distance=7.5

8/17- Interesting day. Again, I took nothing last night and nothing all day. I felt great in the morning but around lunch time, the energy was beginning to fade. By the end of the work day, I was in "C" shape at best. I went straight home and popped 2 Lithium pills then headed to the gym for a tempo or 10K time trial depending on how I felt. I still don't think I was at my absolute best but still nailed my 3rd PR in as many weeks. 10K in 41:14 (unofficial PR by :14). How about these splits? 6:36-6:40-6:37-6:40-6:40-6:31-90. 1st half: 20:42, 2nd half: 20:32.
Grade:A/3 credit/distance=6.5

8/18- Trak Shak 6.5 @ 7:35 pace. Faded a bit in the last mile but still pretty solid. A bit fast for an easy day but since I'm running little-nothing over the next 2 days, it's okay.
Grade:B/1 credit/distance=7.0

8/19- Body demanded a rest day and I dared not disobey. Extreme soreness in my calves in the morning but it got better after I took some Lithium. I REALLY don't want to become sensitive to that stuff now. Got some new long training shoes (Nike Lunar Elite) from the Trak Shak. Should be somewhat fresh by tomorrow.

8/20- 2 miles on the 'mill and did not feel well at all. Too much Lithium. PLEASE PLEASE NO EXTREME SENSITIVITY TO THAT! (unless of course I can wean off). I was fine in the afternoon but in the evening, an 8:00 pace actually required effort and I've got a race to run and a PR attempt in 12 short hours! If I don't feel well when I wake up, the race is off and it will be the 4th DNS of the year. I was so excited earlier this week too. Disgusting!
Grade:D+/1 credit/distance=2.0

8/21- Are UABle 5K in 19:38-19:40 (best time of the year), 1 Mile warm and cool.
Grade:B+/4 credits/distance=5.0

8/22- Easy 7 indoors @ 7:51 pace. Pace was well within the prescribed range but muscles were abnormally stiff and sore and it was not because of yesterday's race. I cut the Lithium dosage and it was still too much. I may try to quit again next week.
Grade:C+/1 credit/distance=7.0

Weekly summary:
Pretty solid week overall and that distance is acceptable for a race week but when training for longer distances, it just won't do. I've beaten last year's time in 3 out of the 6 distances with near misses at 400 and 5K. Let's go get 'em this fall. I could be free from the Lithium by my 30th birthday and that would be all that I want.
Distance=35.0/ GPA= 35.8/11= 3.25

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