Monday, August 2, 2010

training 8/2-8/8

8/2- Chose an indoor run over stifling humidity. Easy 6 in 46:20. 1st half 23:10, 2nd half 23:10 but needed a fast finish to do it. Took taurine last night and it made me feel very sluggish. Once again, one pill took me from one extreme to the other. Some of it had cleared by the afternoon but I could not have run much faster even if I wanted to. Pace was 7:44 and still quite sore.
Grade:C+/1 credit/distance=6.0

8/3-Indoor 10K time trial. Took about 350 mg of taurine and still woke up feeling a bit sluggish. By the afternoon however, I was ready to go. Time of 41:28. Unofficial PR! 1st half: 20:50, 2nd half: 20:38. Outstanding! Believe it or not, I still don't think I had my absolute best stuff either.
Grade:A/3 credits/distance=6.5

8/4- Took 500 mg taurine and it left me feeling extremely sore esp. in the hip/groin area. Is it the taurine or the indoor running or both? I like the cool conditions and don't mind the laps but I really don't want to end up back in prolotherapy. Felt a bit better as the day progressed. Trak Shak 5 @ 7:50 pace plus a 1 Mile warm up. Weather: 92 and humid. I will try again to stop the taurine but may still have to wean.
Grade:C+/1 credit/distance=6.0

8/5- Indoor 8 in 61:10. 7:39 pace. I got another lecture from RWOL to slow down and yes I will when my mileage comes up. I did want a bit of a test today since I made it through the day without taurine and I was pleased with the result. Last quarter mile in a comfortable 90 seconds. First half: 30:43, 2nd half 30:27
Grade:A-/1 credit/distance=8.5

8/6- Recovery double. 3 on the 'mill at 8:10 pace. Felt good
Easy 3 with Ryan at an even slower pace. Felt average. Very humid.
I can't use the indoor track more than 1-2 times per week or I could very well end up back in prolotherapy for hip pain. That, I do not want.
Grade:B/1 credit/distance=6.0

8/7-Long with Scott. Decent start then hit the wall after Mile 6 and walk-jogged to the end. The last 3 miles were around 10 minute pace. Even on a warm and humid day, I should not have been THIS BAD! Something is clearly off. I'm hoping that it's the glycine. I don't think it's the taurine or I'd feel wired/tired.
Grade:D/2 credits/distance=9.5
PM- 3.5 on the 'mill. Man, that's about all I can stand to do on that thing. Felt much better. Set it to 8:00 pace until the final .50, which I ran at 6:40 (10K pace). I think that it is indeed the glycine so that would mean another pill that I no longer need but may have to wean.
Grade:B+/1 credit/distance=3.5

8/8- Tempo. 5 miles in 34:51 with a fast finish. Good comeback from yesterday. No glycine last night. Do I quit that stuff altogether now or wean down to 1 per day? Started in the 6:50s then gradually slowed while keeping the effort even. Final 1/4 mile was a fast but controlled 90 seconds so I'm sure that I could have done better.
Grade:B/2 credits/distance=5.0

Weekly summary:
Very pleased with the mileage this week. I had not topped 50 since January. Ran all 7 days. No intervals but a time trial (PR) and a tempo. If not for Saturday morning's debacle, I would have had a nice GPA as well.
Distance= 51.0/ GPA= 34.6/12= 2.88

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