11/6- Weak 3 miler at Gold's in 25:38 (8:33 pace). No need to panic just yet. It's possible that the weekend's workouts hit me today 2 days after the long run. More than likely however, it was the Cal pills. 1 pill probably won't hurt me but I took 3 yesterday. Even with the glycine, I'm not bulletproof but as I've said before, a little bit of sensitivity is NOT a bad thing at all.
PM- Improved a bit as the day progressed. Tacked on 2 miles on Lakeshore in 15:54 (7:57 pace) with a negative split. Added a half mile cool. Should be back to normal by tomorrow. A single dose won't hurt. Low dose several days in a row will leave me a bit weakened. A high dose is a significant problem but I was still able to do the workout with a passing grade.
Grade:C-/1 credit/distance=5.5
11/7-AM- No running this session but made an important discovery last night. PABA needs to be reduced but not eliminated. The more PABA I take, the more glycine is required to knock out the sensitivity because PABA raises benzoate. BUT due to the overactive GNMT enzyme, my ceiling of glycine tolerance will always be limited. Cutting the the PABA from 500 to 100 should allow 1000 glycine to be tolerated and that dose will be strong enough to knock out the sensitivity. The issues with Cal likely had to do with too much PABA. On 500 PABA, I'll need 2000+ glycine to knock out the sensitivity but I can't tolerate that much. Let's pray that 100 PABA does the trick once and for all.
PM- Officially concerned. Only marginally better today. 4 miles at Gold's in 31:52 (7:58 pace) plus a cool and it took a 4th mile rally to get the sub-8 overall. Got home and found that as expected, just a trace of Cal made things worse. PABA made it "worser". Additional glycine would knock out the sensitivity but would also cause other issues. From now on, I've got to cut WAY back on the PABA. I've ordered the 100 mg.
Grade:C/1 credit/distance=4.5
11/8- VERY interesting. There has GOT to be a sweet spot with PABA that will allow me to tolerate the glycine that I need WITHOUT rendering it ineffective in combating the sensitivity to other stuff I may need down the road. I came pretty close to finding it today in my interval testing session. I opened with just a pinch of PABA, which wasn't enough to tolerate glycine and I knew it before I started. Here are the splits:
Opener- 2:48 (8:24 pace)
With Cal- 2:40 (8:00 pace)
A 24 second improvement in pace WITH Cal, the same stuff that hurt me just yesterday. Indeed, that is enough to be significant so it remains an option IF the sensitivity is solved.
More PABA- 2:07 (6:21 pace). YUGE
More Cal- 2:12 (6:36 pace).
Still not bad but this is a significant difference as well. I was about even at the halfway point but struggled on the back half. As expected, more PABA beyond this left me MUCH worse and a trace of extra Cal made it "worser". I finished out the day with a 6 lap cool down at a very slow pace.
Grade:B/1 credit/distance=2.0
I'm not messing with Cal anymore until after the race. It will clear in time for that. The 2nd interval suggests that it could be beneficial IF the sensitivity is solved. I'm guessing that the sweet spot with PABA is somewhere between 100-300 mg and probably closer to the lower end. I got close on the 3rd interval. The problem is that the 100 mg PABA has not arrived yet so I have to break open the 500 and estimate. Yasko's Ultimate B, which is what I took before the 3rd interval, contains PABA but the amount is listed as part of a proprietary blend so I don't know how much I am getting. I could go with PABA alone, Ultimate B alone or a combo of both. The first option is MUCH cheaper but I've got to go with what is most effective. On race day, if I'm wrong on the PABA dose, I'd rather miss high. As long as I avoid the questionable supps, it won't hurt me too much. If I miss low, glycine won't be tolerated. Detailed post explaining what in the hell this all means is coming soon.
11/9- AM-Junk intervals. With the Cal still in my system, the times were slow but I saw enough to know that if I go with all Ultimate B, it must be 2 pills. 1 was clearly not enough and I was significantly weakened after a 3rd. Totaled 1.5 miles this session.
PM- Felt better after lunch as I got some clearance. Again, extra PABA will only hurt IF I take something questionable. Track at Gold's was extremely crowded and I had to stop several times because people were 3-4 abreast and I couldn't get by. Totaled 2.5 miles in 17:45 (7:06 pace). I came through 1.5 in 11-flat (7:20 pace) then increased it to 6:45. I figured that was right around race pace for a 5K. I wasn't wide open. It was a hard but measured effort. A 6:45 pace over 3.1 miles will bring me home in 21-flat. I don't need a great day to get a post-35 PR, just a decent one.
Grade:B/1 credit/distance=4.0
11/10- 2 mile Junk run on Wisteria on all PABA with no Ultimate B. I did not time it but saw enough to know it's not the answer. It's pretty clear now that Ultimate B is needed. The sweet spot is either 2 of those suckers or 1 + low dose of stand alone PABA. I'll know by early next week. Lazy day off work for Veteran's Day and that's probably a good call before race day.
No Grade/distance=2.0
11/11- 5K at the Junction. My performance was most definitely worth a post-35 PR (21:54) but I along with several others missed a turn and cut the course short by about .15 miles. Official time was 20:19 but I kept going after the finish and didn't stop until the watch read 3.14. My watch time was 21:14, which is a 40 second improvement over my previous PR. I think I would have been just short of a sub-21 with a legit distance. No real hills but the course was sloped such that most of the back half was a slight incline. I'm counting it as a 21:14* but I feel that I have unfinished business and may try for the sub-21 at the Jingle Bell in early December.
Grade:B+/3 credit/distance=4.0
I went with 2 Ultimate B and no extra PABA. Probably a good call and if this is THE formula, I can deal with it. The only gripe is that it is pricey. Took Cal and Vitamin C after I got home and felt NO noticeable ill-effects though I obviously did not run. Still, the fact that I need exactly 2 makes me feel uneasy. If I had gone with 1.5 or 2.5, it probably would have been ugly. Either 1 or 3 would have flat out sucked. Since PABA alone doesn't work, there must be some other missing piece. I have a strong feeling that it could be NADH, which may explain an ATP deficit.
11/12- Easy 5 on Lakeshore plus a 1 Mile cool. Finished the 5 mile in 46:44 (9:21 pace). I intended for it to be slow but not THIS slow. I tried 500 mg PABA again and confirmed that it alone will NOT allow me to tolerate glycine. There must be another factor ingredient in Yasko's Ultimate B. In all likelihood, 2 Ultimate B it is though I will try 1 plus low dose PABA next week. Perhaps extra NADH will alleviate the sensitivity to that stuff. Without any PABA, the methylation block issues with MTHFR will kick in bigly so yes, a little PABA is needed.
Grade:D/1 credit/distance=6.0
Weekly summary:
Outside of a good race on Saturday, this was a shaky week. Still, it was enough to keep me on track for 1500 miles and ticked my yearly GPA up. I need to average 27 MPW the rest of the year, which is no cinch with the holidays ahead. If 2 Ultimate B does it, I'll win more than I lose going forward.
Distance= 28.0/ GPA= 2.58
YTD: 1309 miles/ 11-32 with a 2.22 GPA
I have exceeded last year's mileage total.
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With my friend DT Moss after the 5K |
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