Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Training 1/27-22

1/27- Lakeshore 5 in 49:21 (9:52 pace).  Good news is that I completed the planned distance.  Bad news is that it sure was ugly.  I have upped the mileage recently so I might just be adjusting.  Slowed badly on the back half.  Legs tightened up after 1 Mile.

1/28- Woke up feeling much worse.  Clearly need a new treatment.  I got it with Probiotics and Taurine to control the candida.  Only did 3x1/6 miles at Montreat in the hated interval fashion.
Opener- 82.5 (8:15 pace)
Taurine- 70.9- (7:05 pace) MINUS 70
Probiotics- 63.2 (6:19 pace)  MINUS 46
More sensitivity?  I don't think so.  Once my system gets used to it, the gaps will diminish.  More to come in a separate post.

1/29- Gold's 3 in 23:48 (7:56 pace).  Managed to sneak under the Mendoza line but it wasn't pretty.  Splits were 15:32-16:16 so I faded again on the back half and really didn't feel strong after the first half mile.  This was done after cheating again on purpose.  Can't say this is anything to celebrate but it was a LOT better than it would have been without the new pills.  Often, I feel okay on the cheat day but it hits me hard about 24-48 hours later.  Come Friday, I'll have a good idea how this is going to play out.  Let's hope the probiotics stop the withdrawal symptoms.  Added a half mile cool.

1/30-AM- Intervals at Montreat:
Opener: 66.5 (6:39 pace)
Closer- 56.0 (5:36 pace)
The gap was 1:56 just 36 hours ago.  It's down to 1:03 now.

PM- 3.5 on Lakeshore in 31:05 (8:53 pace).  Not a good showing but I believe it would have been far worse without the probiotics.  Took some more after the run and felt noticeably better.  So far, everything is going as planned.

1/31- 3x8 laps at Gold's with added probiotics.
Opener- 5:42 (8:33 pace).  Fading at the end.  Likely would have been on par with yesterday if not slightly worse.
1 Probiotic plus Taurine- 5:18 (7:57 pace).  Significant improvement but not a night and day difference.  The gaps appear to be diminishing.
5 Probiotics-  Even after loading, I improved only to a 5:08 (7:42 pace).  Barely enough to cross the threshold of significance and it took 4 additional pills to do it.
Added a Taurine and managed a 3:45 half mile (7:30 pace).  Again, slightly better but 1 pill will NOT make a yuge difference.  Looking good.  It will take time for the probiotics to do the job but I should NOT be sensitive to them.

2/1- Tried to run long today and FAILED!  1 mile in 11:37 at Lakeshore and I knew it would be a failure before I started.  Guess what?  The probiotics are the culprit and caused an adrenal spike.  Not a surprise after solving a major problem.  Took Thym-Adren and improved to 9:24 in the afternoon.

2/2- Intervals. 
Opener- 3:49 (11:27 pace)
Trace of Probiotics- 3:17 (9:51 pace)
Full Pill- 4:12 (12:36 pace).
It appears that it will play out similarly to the last battle with the TRS.  Tolerance will be very limited early but the sensitivity will soon diminish.  I'll head to Utah TOTALLY unprepared.

-19 miles on the week.

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