2/3- AM Intervals
I expected to open with a pace in the 9s, get better on half a probiotic then lose it on a full pill but hopefully at least do better than the opener.
Opened with a surprising 2:50 (8:30 pace) then improved all the way to a 2:14 (6:42 pace) on half a pill. Pleased with how well I held it on a full pill too. Managed a 2:28 (7:24 pace). PLUS 42. That is a significant decline and yes, I could feel it but it was NOT a night and day difference.
PM- Struggled in a Lakeshore 3. Finished in 28:29 (9:30 pace) but did show some life at the end and could have gone longer. There is a BIG difference between a 1/3 mile sprint and a 3 mile run. The goal going forward is to get to a point in which there is not a significant difference between my opener and 1 pill, which is not a significant difference from 3 pills. To simplify, I want to reach a point in which my dosage does not matter for a least 1 day. I think I can get there sooner rather than later. I will attempt 3 pills tomorrow morning so yes, I expect to struggle again.
2/4- Another very positive step.
Opener in 2:22 (7:06 pace). MASSIVE improvement
1 pill- 2:07 (6:21 pace). MINUS 45
Just as I'd hoped, the ceiling did rise but not as quickly as the floor. The gap was reduced from 1:48 to 45. 3 pills, I knew I'd falter.
3 pills- 2:19.9 (6:59 pace). PLUS 38. Significant but NOT night and day and that was on 2 extra pills, not just 1.
The goal is to stay within 15 on both the plus side and the minus side. I think I'll get there by the end of the week.
PM- I barely held a sub-7 pace for 1/3 of a mile this morning so that doesn't bode well for a 3 mile. Nevertheless, it was an improvement of yesterday. Finished in 25:51 (8:37 pace). MINUS 53 compared to yesterday and it was done after 3 pills versus just 1 yesterday. No more overloading on pills until Friday.
2/5- Very sore and stiff legs today. Didn't expect to see much improvement but my time is down to a 24:14 (8:05 pace). MINUS 32. I was under Mendoza pace for the first half and still had a shot with a mile to go but faded in Mile 3. Added a half mile cool.
2/6- Repeated the Gold's 3 mile and my time is down to 23:30 (7:50 pace) plus a half mile cool. MINUS 15. Probably the last day that I will see significant improvement but that's okay. As I've said a thousand times, all I have to do is avoid the relapse and the improvements will come with steady training. Once again, I faded bigly in the 3rd mile. That does NOT bode well for a 13 mile race. I MUST finish a long run this weekend.
2/7- Opener in 2:04 (6:12 pace). That is LIGHT YEARS ahead of where I was just 4 days ago.
1 pill- 1:58 (5:54 pace). MINUS 18.
3 pills- 2:06 (6:18 pace). PLUS 24
I was hoping to be plus or minus
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<15 .="" 10="" 15="" 1="" 2:00="" 3rd="" a="" again="" and="" at="" bad.="" be="" broken="" but="" did="" distances="" due="" each="" easy="" fatigue="" few="" finish="" first="" for="" gotta="" have="" hope="" i="" interval="" is="" it="" less="" loop.="" manage="" may="" mile="" miles="" minutes="" more="" must="" nbsp="" not="" on="" over="" p="" pace="" pills.="" pleased="" quite="" rather="" recover.="" s="" shorter="" side.="" slowish="" still="" sub-6="" take="" than="" that.="" that="" the="" think="" this="" time="" to="" today.="" tomorrow.="" try="" was="" will="" with="">
<15 .="" 10="" 15="" 1="" 2:00="" 3rd="" a="" again="" and="" at="" bad.="" be="" broken="" but="" did="" distances="" due="" each="" easy="" fatigue="" few="" finish="" first="" for="" gotta="" have="" hope="" i="" interval="" is="" it="" less="" loop.="" manage="" may="" mile="" miles="" minutes="" more="" must="" nbsp="" not="" on="" over="" p="" pace="" pills.="" pleased="" quite="" rather="" recover.="" s="" shorter="" side.="" slowish="" still="" sub-6="" take="" than="" that.="" that="" the="" think="" this="" time="" to="" today.="" tomorrow.="" try="" was="" will="" with="">2/8- FAILED again. 15>
<15 .="" 10="" 15="" 1="" 2:00="" 3rd="" a="" again="" and="" at="" bad.="" be="" broken="" but="" did="" distances="" due="" each="" easy="" fatigue="" few="" finish="" first="" for="" gotta="" have="" hope="" i="" interval="" is="" it="" less="" loop.="" manage="" may="" mile="" miles="" minutes="" more="" must="" nbsp="" not="" on="" over="" p="" pace="" pills.="" pleased="" quite="" rather="" recover.="" s="" shorter="" side.="" slowish="" still="" sub-6="" take="" than="" that.="" that="" the="" think="" this="" time="" to="" today.="" tomorrow.="" try="" was="" will="" with="">-24 miles on the week.15>
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