Saturday, September 19, 2020

Probiotics and Toxic Metal Elimination

 About 3 weeks ago, I began a plan in which I eliminated ALL sugared drinks and stopped taking probiotics, which seemed to be toxic at the time.  I began to dig myself out of the hole slowly but surely and even completed a 10 miler at just over 2 hour race pace for 13.1.  Still, things didn't feel quite right and my stomach upsets and diarrhea were getting worse all the time.  Then, I ran into a snag when my NADH ran out and the shipment did not arrive as scheduled.  Thanks to the TRS, I can miss a few doses of most key pills every now and then without any noticeable ill-effects.  The only exceptions are TRS itself and Glutathione.  Unfortunately, I had to go 5 days without the NADH and that proved to be too much.  I experienced a sudden crash but it was followed by a quick rebound once I found the stuff at a local health food store.  

I did cheat on the caffeine on the day of the crash but in my defense, I kinda had to do so.  It was my week to be in the office and my mind had to be sharp enough to get my work done.  I also took some probiotics.  It was one of those scenarios in which I knew I was already messed up so what difference will it make?  Surprisingly, the probiotics were tolerated but the next day, I didn't take them.  This time, the intolerance to a small Red Bull (8.4 oz, 80 mg caffeine) was severe and I was back to the 12 minute range for just 1 mile.  I figured that I had gone too far with the 2 days of cheating and I would have to endure another slow climb out of the hole.  Again, after 2 days clean, I began feeling a little better.  However, on my trip home to visit my parents, I drank a cup of ORANGE JUICE for breakfast.  I figured that was safe enough because it was not caffeinated.  NOPE!  Another terrible reaction!  Same would probably happen with Gatorade so that's completely unacceptable.  Strangely, I could handle alcohol.  One night, I had the equivalent of 3 beers in a canned cocktail and felt no noticeable issues the next morning.  No headache or let down feeling at all.    

On a hunch, I tried probiotics again and improved immediately.  However, the dosing was tricky as usual.  I also discovered that the brand that I need Syntol.  Others are ineffective and possibly harmful.  Here are a couple of INTERESTING outcomes last week:

On Wednesday, I was not as horrible as usual on no pills (2:46/8:18 pace) then significantly faster on the usual TRS plus Glutathione (2:01/6:03 pace).  However, I was NOTICEABLY weaker after just ONE SIP of Red Bull.  I finished the can and slipped to an 85 for a half lap (8:30 pace) THEN after just a pinch of probiotics, I was all the way down to 50 (5:00 pace).  With a half pill, I slipped to 58 then slipped to 66 on the whole pill.  I found that the reaction to the excess probiotics was not so bad if I didn't take the TRS.  As soon as I took the TRS after the probiotics, WHAM, it felt like I got hit by a truck!  That told me that it was a detox reaction and the need and tolerance would likely go up.  

On Thursday, I got down to a 48 (4:48 pace) on a pinch of probiotics but needed more by the afternoon and overshot the balance point.  Friday, it appeared that the tolerance had improved.  Today, the need is insatiable.  I know the drill.  There will be a large gap between the ceiling and floor.  Both will improve but the floor rises faster and the gap diminishes.  Eventually, the gap will close to the point of insignificance and like the other pills, I can get by without it for a few days.


I found out yesterday that fungal infections are inter-related with toxic metals.  In the past, my fungal levels had been flagged as high.  I got some relief from the probiotics but as was the case with all the others, it was not the answer to the sensitivity.  Fungus binds with toxic metals.  Thus, when the metals are eliminated, the fungus is set free to wreak havoc thus increasing the need for probiotics.  Too much too soon however triggers detox symptoms just like the others.  My workout today confirmed this assessment.  I was actually WORSE with the TRS and NO probiotics but made significant gains only after the probiotics.  The gains were short-lived and I needed more in a few hours.  The jury is still out.  Right now, my need for probiotics is insatiable.  The last question is what happens when I get back off sugar?  I'll know in a couple more days.  Once again, I will enter a race almost completely untrained.  It's gonna suck but I only have 4 more to go and barring cancellations, I can finish this next year. 

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