Sunday, September 20, 2020

Training 9/19-9/27

 9/19- 3x400 at Vestavia plus a cool.  

Opened with a 3:01 (12:04 pace)

1 Probiotic (2:30) (10:00 pace)

2 Probiotics (1:59) (7:56 pace)

2 miles of junk added.  Gap of 4:08.


9/20- 4x400 at Vestavia

Opener- 2:37 (10:28 pace)

TRS- 2:52 (11:28 pace)

1 Probiotic- 2:26  (9:44 pace)

2 Probiotics- 1:47 (7:08 pace)

Gap of 3:20 between the opener and closer.  4:20 if you count the TRS.  Just as I said, the TRS eliminates the toxic metals and frees the bound fungi, which is why I was worse afterwards.  I am going to need probiotics for a while and I expect to see the usual pattern.    Finished the day with a 3 miler in 31:42 (10:34 pace) but did manage a 9:57 last mile.  2 weeks out from race day and believe it or not, I am optimistic about my chances.


9/21- Good news all around.  I did not run anything without treatments today.  Instead, my floor was after the TRS.  The floor improved to 2:19.7 (9:18 pace).  Skipped the 1 pill trial and jumped up to 2 and clocked a surprising 86.7 (5:46 pace).  Floor improved by 2:10.  Ceiling improved by 1:22.  Gap was reduced from 4:20 to 3:32.  If I can get the 400 time down to near 75, I have a shot at a sub-6 minute mile.  I know all too well that I can't expect this much day to day improvement going forward.  Eventually, I will level off.  

Drove immediately to Lakeshore and repeated yesterday's 3 mile route.  Improved to 27:36 (9:12 pace) with a strong negative split and last mile in 8:45.  Compared to yesterday, I was MINUS 82 per mile.  Even better, there is no sign of caffeine withdrawal or sugar intolerance.

PM- Another 3 mile this time on Canterbury.  Finished in 25:33 (8:31 pace).  Continued improvement but the story goes deeper.  Very sore joints and it feels like detox.  That was confirmed afterwards.  3 or 4 probiotic pills will probably serve me well.  If I go up to 5 or 6, I won't crash but I will be weakened.  I can't recover my old form on pills alone but that's to be expected.  I may take it easier tomorrow.


9/22- Opened with no treatments and clocked a 1:49 at Vestavia.  Almost as fast as my ceiling just 2 days earlier but I figure that would have been more like 2:00 if I used TRS. This time, still on no TRS but with probiotics, I improved only to a 1:34.  MINUS 60 per mile.  I did feel noticeably better but the effects were not nearly as dramatic as yesterday.  

20 minutes later, I was at Lakeshore and took the TRS.  Didn't run immediately but felt noticeably WORSE.  Recovered only after the 3rd probiotic pill.  Did the 2.5 bottom leg this time and clocked a time of 19:47 (7:55 pace).  Another half mile in 4:13 or better to come in under the Mendoza line?  I think I had it in me.  1st half in 9:56, 2nd half in 9:51 so the splits are evening up.  This may be my last day of significant improvement.


Reaction- All the questions have been answered for now at least.  Because much of the fungus is bound to the toxic metals, probiotics will be less effective when used alone.  They must be taken either with or shortly AFTER the TRS.  That way, the TRS breaks the bond and frees up the fungus, which is then killed by the probiotics.  Too much probiotics?  3 or 4 per day in divided doses is probably best.  More than that will trigger an unpleasant die off reaction.  It won't be debilitating but can cause sore joints and fatigue.  FINAL ANSWER, PLEASE! 

9/23- I said yesterday that too many probiotics won't hurt me too badly.  I spoke too soon.  Aimed for 5 miles on Lakeshore at near 9 minute pace.  Came through the first mile just a few ticks slow but died after that and had to walk/jog it back.  Came home and confirmed that excess probiotics was the culprit.  Once again, I cannot make it through a week without a collapse.  

PM- Improving with time.  Took me 6 minutes to do a half mile but a few hours later, I was down to 5:12.


9/24- Rainy day.  Opened with a 4:20 half mile.  Nice improvement over yesterday but I hoped for and expected better so this will not be a quick bounce back.  

PM- 3x half lap at Montreat.  Opener in 75 (7:30 pace).  Felt like I could have gone sub-4 for a half mile.  Definitely under 4:20.  TRS alone- slipped to a 92 (9:12 pace).  Worse than expected.  I was PLUS 60 last time,  this time, it was PLUS 1:42.  The big question would be how much would I bounce back on probiotics?  I managed a 69.5 (6:57 pace).  Pleased that I was significantly better than the opener but this is still not good at all.  Obviously, I am still dealing with die off and I know all too well that if I took more than 2 probiotics, I'm back to 12 minute pace.


9/25-AM.  3 miles on Lakeshore in 32:39 (10:53 pace).  Didn't expect to set the world on fire but expected better than this.  2nd half was only slightly better than the 1st half.

PM- Trak Shak 3.  Very sore and fatigued but my time is down to 27:56 (9:19 pace) with a 3rd mile below 9 minutes.


9/26-AM- Aimed for 5 miles at around 9 minute pace.  Again, I could not do it.  Started off okay but crashed HARD after 2 miles and walk/jogged home to a 34+ minute finish for just 3 miles.  The culprit was too much probiotics despite the fact that I had taken the same dosage as yesterday (2 pills).

PM- I thought that perhaps the sugar abstinence had caused the sudden intolerance but no, that was not the case.  Opened with a 3:37 lap at Montreat AFTER TRS but improved to 3:05 after just a pinch of probiotics.  However, after a full pill, I was right back to where I started from and knew that a 2nd pill would spell disaster.  Later in the day, I got a new theory.  I had cut back a bit on the TRS sprays in recent days.  Perhaps, I needed more to tolerate the probiotics.


9/27- AM Theory appears to be correct.  Took a massive dose of TRS and opened with an abysmal 5:52 for a half mile at Montreat (11:44 pace).  Signs of hope came with probiotics at half lap intervals:

Pinch: 1:38 (9:48 pace)

Full pill- 75 (7:30 pace)

2 pills- 53 (5:18 pace)

Would I do better on 3 pills or not?  Not sure.

PM- Took nothing and opened with a 5:20 half mile on South Lakeshore.  Clearly, I need two treatments per day, not just one.  Real workout was 2.5 on the bottom leg of Lakeshore.  I came through the first half on the standard TRS plus 2 probiotics in 10:16 then popped a 3rd probiotic.  Started off pretty well on the back half with a sub-8 pace through the next half mile then suddenly died.  I was still at 16:40 through 2 miles but the last half mile took 4:45 for an overall time of 21:25 (8:30 pace).  Again, I believe all the questions have been answered.  I need extra TRS to tolerate probiotics but no matter how much I take, 2 is probably the sweet spot.  If I am wrong on the dose, it is better to miss low than miss high.


- 34 miles but it was over 9 days.  

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