1/13- Opener is down to 2:40 (8:00 pace). Cut off another 36 seconds per mile but I was pretty winded when I finished and didn't feel like another full lap would yield an accurate assessment. Did a half lap on NAC and Thym Adren in 71.1. Figure that's worth a 2:30 give or take. Helpful but not a game changer. Very sore when I finished too.
PM- Repeated the half lap on MF and improved to 58.6 (5:52 pace). MINUS 75 due to MF alone plus about 30 from NAC and Thym Adren. Figure that the gap is about 1:45 per mile from no pills to the stacked deck. Felt pretty rough at work without the MF. I will start taking it in divided doses and see how that works.
1/14- AM-Did a 68.8 opener on no pills (6:53 pace). Not even NAC or Thym Adren. Probably at least 30 seconds per mile better than yesterday. Soon, I will break 60 without pills. Though it's a big step, I still have a long way to go. A half lap is only a sixth of a mile or roughly 270 meters. A good pace in a 5K or even 1 Mile is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.
A bit sleepy at work. Perhaps the divided Melatonin dosage was a problem. I'll try a divided MF dosage but only take the Melatonin at night. Will the MF remain effective? We shall see.
PM- Much worse after the evening Melatonin dose. I am fairly certain that I accidentally took a double dose this morning after a normal dose yesterday evening. That explains it. I should be better tomorrow. Curious as to how I'd do on a day or 2 off the Melatonin. I was okay in December but that was before I added the MF. Did 1 untimed lap at junk pace.
1/15- AM- 1.5 miles on Lakeshore in 15:52 (10:34 pace). Very poor. I hope I can chalk it up to excess Melatonin and I sure hope that I'm not becoming intolerant to it. Only positive is that I was significantly better after popping 2 MF pills at the midway point. Splits were 8:10-7:42. That's probably all for today.
PM- Once again, a bad reaction to Melatonin and I only took 6 mg. Very worried. If I become intolerant to Melatonin, the sensitivity could be back with a VENGEANCE!
1/16- Unplanned rest day. Still clearing out the Melatonin. I will try to quit that stuff altogether and hope the sensitivity doesn't come back. I don't think it was a Melatonin deficiency that caused these problems but rather toxic metals that Melatonin helped remove (hopefully). I am still getting benefits from Thym Adren and NAC as well as Methyl Folate.
Even though it's unlikely that Fulvic Acid is the problem, I will lay off it for a few days just to see if the need for Melatonin kicks back in. Also, am I completely intolerant to Melatonin or have I just taken too much and will tolerate occasional use?
1/17- Opener in 70.5 (7:03 pace). Almost back to where I was before the problems with Melatonin.
Took Thym Adren, NAC, MF plus 2 other formerly problematic pills. Improved to 64.0 (6:24 pace) then added a cool.
Good news all around. Sensitivity has not returned yet. The gap in performance is down to 39 seconds. That's significant but no longer in game changer territory. Perhaps I can soon pass the test of no extreme dependency
1/18- Planned rest day. Flight to Cartagena
1/19- Half mile junk run at Boca Grande. Heat was tough even at 8 AM
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