Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Training 1/1-1/12

 1/1- I did intervals yesterday and my opener was AWFUL (2:07).  NAC was a game changer at 1:47 while a can of Rockstar was a bigger game changer at 1:20.  That said, I really don't want to rely on stimulants to speed up the detox.  Not good for me over the long haul.

Today, the opener was much better at 1:47.  Again, the NAC was a game changer at 1:30.  It's tempting to take more of that stuff and you would think I'd continue to improve but it doesn't work that way.  Instead of caffeine, I went with Thym Adren for the 3rd run.  I hoped that it would be a non factor like before Christmas.  Nope.  Significant negative reaction.  Slipped back to 1:45.  Finished with a half mile junk run and found that this time, stimulants didn't help.  

Eventually, the Thym Adren will be tolerated and then necessary.  Before the adrenal spike hits, I will increase the Methyl Folate, which will probably trigger more detox.  If the increased MF together with the Melatonin is tolerated, I am improving.


1/2- No intervals this morning.  Just a 1 Mile at Montreat in the evening.  Days are getting longer and it wasn't pitch black until after I finished.  Time was 10:50 (5:28-5:22) and it took a late rally to shore up the sub-11.  Better than yesterday and about what I expected.  I will look for steady improvement going forward.  

If my progress is stymied, I do have a couple options.  I thought perhaps NAC is causing excess Sulfur.  Yasko has a product for that, which I have ordered.  The second thought is further off the beaten path: Parasites.  I haven't ordered this one yet but one of the active ingredients is none other than Eye-Vermectin.


1/3- Interesting finding in the morning.  I was significantly better after taking a Probiotic.  That suggests that my limited tolerance for NAC may be Sulfur related.  I forgot to take NAC before work and endured a rough day.  

Repeated the Montreat Mile in the evening after NAC and improved nicely to a 9:54 (MINUS 56) plus a short cool.  Splits were 5:01-4:53 despite coasting in the final stretch.  Now, can I keep this streak going?  The rate of improvement will slow but it must be steady.


1/4- Interesting day.  Probiotics do help with the ill-effects of taking too much NAC but it's not enough and I get no additional benefit beyond the first pill.  

Opened with a 1:52 then improved significantly to 1:40.  Popped 2 more and clocked a 1:38.  Not good enough.  NAC must be limited to 2 pills in divided doses.  It's possible that Yasko's product may help.

Later on, I could feel the adrenals beginning to spike.  Last time, it was a slow process that started with mere tolerance to Thym Adren.  Today, I improved to 1:26 on 1 pill and had a strong feeling that I needed more.  

Added a 2nd MF pill with the Melatonin and this time, the detox reaction wasn't bad.  In fact, I improved again to a 1:11.  I don't know what to make of it.  I'm betting that Thym Adren would make it worse but I didn't try.


1/5- Woke up severely overstimulated.  Significantly better after 1 Thym Adren.  Added more MF and it was a game changer again in a positive way.  Took Thym Adren again after the extra MF and it was NOT TOLERATED!

Yes, that's right.  The same pill that helped me in the morning hurt me just a couple hours later.  WHAT A LIFE!  Good news is that I can definitely tolerate extra MF as long as I don't touch the Thym Adren.  I won't be shocked at all if even on the extra MF, I will again need the Thym Adren.  


1/6- Unplanned rest day.  Loading on MF didn't seem to hurt yesterday but this morning, it felt like I was hit by a truck.  I will cut that down to 2 pills until the adrenals spike again.

1/7- Opened with a 1:40 then down to 1:21 on NAC.

PM- Adrenals spiked BIGLY after lunch.  Upped the MF to 3 pills and it stopped the spike.  NAC had an even greater effect than usual (1:45-1:11).  I did not mess with Thym Adren.  If I had taken it, it would have been helpful before the MF but harmful after.  WHAT A LIFE!

UPDATE: Adrenals are still spiked despite increased MF.  I'll probably have to raise it again tomorrow.  How high do I go?  Unsure.  I think it's possible that Yasko's product could help and possible that Fulvic Acid could help.


1/8- Unplanned rest day.  Insatiable need for MF.  I don't even know how much I took but even a mega dose didn't stop the adrenal spike.  

1/9- Very interesting.  Need for MF has diminished and tomorrow, I will go back to 4 at night with the Melatonin.  


Extra Methyl Folate- 79.2

1 Thym Adren-75.1


3 Extra NAC-73.4


Taken together, I gained slightly less than 60 seconds per mile.  Certainly enough to be considered significant but not a game changer.  The only one that was significant on its own was the Thym Adren while the MF was borderline.  

I am VERY encouraged that the NAC really didn't move the needle.  The gain here was NOT significant and I was only fractionally slower on extra.  Yasko's product was ineffective in that regard but it's possible that the Fulvic Acid helped.  Just 2 days ago, 1 NAC was a game changer but 3 were not tolerated.  

Still feel a little sluggish and this was a far cry from the sub-60 that I did a few months ago.  I do have excess Melatonin in my system.  Cut that back down to 5 mg and I should do better.


1/10- Snow Day and a planned rest.  Woke up feeling pretty rotten.  Thym Adren did help a bit but the needle didn't really move until I took 4 MF in the evening.  I plan to stick with this formula.  Low dose Thym Adren and a high dose of MF with Melatonin and NAC.

1/11- Very interesting yet again. Still BAD in the morning but perhaps not as awful as yesterday.  Took 2 MF in the morning and got somewhat better.  In the afternoon I did 1 lap in 3:04 (9:12 pace) then popped 4 MF pills, which brought me all the way down to a 2:17 (6:51 pace).  Added a 1 lap cool down.


2 days ago, I got a reaction to extra MF but it was bordering on insignificant.  Probably because I had already taken a mega dose.  Today, it was MINUS 2:21.  I expect to follow the usual pattern.  Both the ceiling and the floor will improve but the floor will rise faster.  The gap will diminish and eventually become insignificant.  In theory, it will be squared away but something else will pop up 

1/12- Mostly pleased with today's outcome.

AM- 1 lap at Montreat without pills in 2:52 (8:36 pace).  Compared to yesterday, it's MINUS 36.  Did not attempt to run it with a stacked deck.  Merely added a half lap cool.  I figure that my ceiling would improve by 18-24 so the gap is still probably over 2 minutes per mile.  When it drops below 60, I feel like I am on the way.  Thym Adren and NAC are helpful but neither is a game changer.  Only the Methyl Folate is in that category.

PM- 2 miles on Lakeshore in 18:58 (9:29 pace).  Pacing wasn't great (9:20-9:38) but if I fell behind 19 pace, I bet I could have rallied.  My last real workout was barely under 10 for 1 Mile so this is a lot better.  This is 10 seconds faster than sub-60 pace for 10K.  I figure I could have held it for another half mile.  40 percent down.  60 to go.


-11 miles total 

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