Monday, January 25, 2021

Training 1/25-1/31

 1/25- AM.  Test intervals to assess adrenal spike.  Opener was a less awful 3:08 (9:24 pace) and I was doing better on the back half.  On 3 pills, I was down to 2:41 (8:03 pace) but on 6 pills, I managed only a 2:33 (7:39 pace).  The gaps are closing, which is good but I want to see a higher ceiling.  I wasn't going all out and was sore from yesterday but expected better than this.  If I am to up the dosage, I may see small gains but as time goes on, I will see less and less incremental benefit.  Leaning towards staying on 3 ADHS.  

PM- More of the same.  I'm not collapsing but not improving either.  Worried that there could be another missing piece.  My gut tells me it is probiotics (no pun intended).  I'll ride with this formula until the end of the week then try the Probiotics again if I am not better.  Worried that the pattern could repeat itself in which I could be forced on and off the pills at unpredictable intervals.  Let's hope that doesn't happen.  Workout was Lakeshore 2.5 in 23:50 (9:32 pace).  Took it easier after yesterday and did manage a slight negative split but this is not good.  I should be doing this at sub-9 pace given my recent volume.  Shooting for 25 miles this week and I'm right on target.


1/26- Same workout as yesterday evening.  Improved to 20:15 for 2.5 miles (8:06 pace) plus a cool.  That is MUCH better.  MUCH!  The only thing that I changed was upping my Lactoferrin from 1 pill to 3 pills. That's good news.  I should see improvement with increased Lactoferrin and will not have to go back to Probiotics.  


1/27- Today answers another key question.  Lacotferrin provides benefits only AFTER a forbidden drink, not before.  I took 3 of those in the morning but was still struggling after a forbidden drink shortly thereafter.  Workout was 2 miles at Montreat in 17:08 (8:34 pace) but my splits were 9:01-8:07 with the big improvement coming only after I took another Lactoferrin.  Added a half mile cool.  Prediction:  If I strictly limit the forbidden drinks, I will be much less dependent on the Lactoferrin and may even get away with occasional missed doses.  If I don't limit consumption, I won't collapse but will need mega doses to even come close to respectability.  It's an easy decision.  Let's hope I don't react badly.  Before the Lactoferrin, I TRIED TO DO THIS!!  I became intolerant to BOTH sugars and Probiotics.  Still have a chance to hit 25 on the week.


1/28- Lakeshore 5 in 44:56 (8:59 pace).  I made the goal.  Not exactly pretty but this is progress.  Pace was hovering just 1-2 seconds over 9 most of the way but finished pretty strong.  No caffeine.  Not a miracle yet but I should see steady progress now.  Even if I slipped to 10 minute pace for the next 1.2, I still finish a 10K under 57, which is 1:40 better than last weekend in Atlanta.  Got a shot at 25 now.


1/29- Vestavia 5K in 26:18 (8:25 pace).  Best time of the year by 36 seconds so I can't be too upset but I was hoping for a little better.  I was doing sub-8 pace through the first 600 then hovered just over 8:30 from there until the final sprint.  Splits were 8:17-8:33-8:33-55.  I'll take it but I'm still clearly being held back by imbalances.  I may try Thym-Adren to speed up the process.  Blood donation will be next week.  Just need 8 more miles.


1/30- FAILED.  Culprit was clearly the Liver Beef because of its Iron content.  Blood donation next week.  I'm betting that my best hope of significant improvement in the near-term is to load on Lactoferrin.  1 mile on Lakeshore in 10-flat.  I knew early that I didn't have it but thought I could tough it out and finish.  Nope.  Energy completely ran out after 0.75 miles.  I will try again tomorrow.


1/31- UGLY!  Determined to finish at least 3.9 miles to hit 22 on the week (10 percent increase).  I was barely moving at the end but I made it.  Average pace was over 11 minutes per mile and got slower and slower. However, I've learned something BIG!  My need for Lactoferrin depends on my TRS dosage.  This does make sense.  Candida binds with toxic metals.  TRS breaks the bond.  Sugars and Iron feed the candida but Lactoferrin starves it.  The two MUST be taken together.  It is better to take neither than one or the other.  The more TRS sprays that I take, the more Lactoferrin I need.   Limit sugars and keep the TRS dose low and I should see improvement.  One last question:  If I take a low dose of TRS, will I be hurt by too much Lactoferrin?  I already know that if I take too much TRS, I WILL be hurt by not enough.  That will be answered next week.

PM- BIG!  I couldn't wait.  I wanted an answer now and got the one that I wanted.  3xhalf lap at Montreat.  This morning, I took Lactoferrin and NO TRS.  Sucked in the workout and the interval.  My opener was 90 (9:00 pace).  After 3 sprays and just 1 Lactoferrin, I was all the way down to 50 (5:00 pace).  That's not a night and day difference.  It's a midnight versus noon difference.  The moment of truth came after 4 more Lactoferrin.  After a full rest, I managed a 51 (5:06 pace).  Not a significant loss.  Good news all around,  if my TRS dose is low, I will be less dependent on Lactoferrin but will not be hurt if I take too much.  Too much TRS with too little Lactoferrin is another matter.  


Weekly summary:

Not a total loss and learned key information at the end.  I have a faint glimmer of hope.

Distance= 22.5.  YTD=67.5 

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