Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 I just can’t plug all the leaks.  It’s been one thing after another.  The most frustrating aspect is that actions taken to patch up one hole actually CAUSE another leak to spring up.  Let’s take a look at what happened since I returned from Minnesota 4 weeks ago.  I must also remind my readers that this was shortly after I made it through a pill free weekend, and it looked like I had to shot at getting this under control very soon. 

First, the need for CBS/NOS went up then back down again with ill-effects from taking too much.  Fortunately, this stabilized after I reduced consumption of protein bars as well as methyl donors and sulfur containing amino acids.  I went up from 1 such pill to 3 then back down.  Fortunately, it appears to have stabilized back at 1 with no extreme need.  I can lay off it for a couple days without major problems just like the others. 

Despite having my best formula in Minnesota, I still bombed in the race.  I hoped to run a sub-2-hour half marathon, which was a moderate goal considering that I had reached 20-25 MPW with consistency.  In the end, I wasn’t even close.  I fell off pace after 7 miles and finished in 2:05:19 or roughly 25 seconds per mile short of the goal.  I surmised that I had a mineral deficiency, which proved to be correct. 

After the usual shock reaction to Manganese, I developed an insatiable need for it.  This need eventually faded just like the others but kept me down for the better part of the next 2 weeks.  I was okay with this because I knew it would benefit me in the long run.  In the short run, it either spiked the adrenals, which is common after solving a long-standing problem or exposed extreme over-activity that was masked by the deficiency.  It may have been a combination of both but in any event, the adrenal modulator (ADHS) was not strong enough.  I needed a suppressant in Thym-Adren, which I could not tolerate before taking the Manganese.  Once again, the insatiable need kicked in once I started back on Thym-Adren and it is only now beginning to die down.    

Now, I have been reacting TERRIBLY to B-12 and found out today that it is ALL B-vitamins that are the problem.  What triggered this?  It was the switch from ADHS to Thym-Adren, which was necessary after the addition of Manganese.  ADHS contains trace amounts of Lithium from vegetable culture.  For the record, this stuff is VERY DIFFERENT from the Lithium Carbonate given to bi-polar patients.  It might slow the thyroid a bit but only if taken in mega doses and I was taking only a trace amount.  Where Lithium is necessary is its ability to transport B-12 into the cells.  I determined that stand alone B-12 is not needed because both the B-complex and the CBS/NOS contain plenty of it.  I planned to finish the rest of the bottle of B-12 then pitch it and not re-order.  Bad call.  I could not better 11:30 for just 1 Mile on excess B-12.  Without Lithium to transport it into the cells, it just pools up in the blood.  The only thing I can do is go back to ADHS and lay off all B-vitamins for a least a few days.  I already know that I CANNOT get by without them long-term.  It’s looking bleak.    

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