Monday, August 9, 2021

Training 8/9-8/15

 8/9- Good news all around.  Time for the opener is down from a 3:39 to a 3:18 (9:54 pace).  As for the real workout, I repeated the 2.5 mile distance this time on Lakeshore.  Time for this one improved from 24:54 to 23:28 (9:23 pace).  This is EXACTLY what I want to see.  I may not feel much different from one day to the next but the gains will add up.  Every day should be slightly better than the previous one at least for the next week or so.  Tomorrow, I want to see a sub-3 opener and a longer distance at a similar pace.


8/10-AM- The Opener is down to 2:54 (8:42 pace).  MINUS 72.  Obviously, the rate of improvement cannot continue.  There is no way that I will be under 2:00 by Friday.  I'll shoot for a sub-2:40 tomorrow.  The last 2 days, I've faded on the back half in my openers but always deliver a negative split when I am on B12.  Interesting.

PM- Canterbury 3.5 in 32:05 (9:10 pace).  I'll take it.  13 seconds per mile is not a significant improvement but given that this is a hilly route and a longer distance, I'm pleased.  Again, I scored a negative split and a sub-9 in Mile 3.  This is definitely the equivalent of a sub-9 pace on a flat 3 mile.  The long-term goal is a sub-7 pace for 3 miles or roughly a 21:45 for 5K.


8/11- Opener is all the way down to 2:33 (7:39 pace). MINUS 62 and I was much better at holding the pace (75-78).  Probably the last day that I will see massive improvement but I would like to be in the low 2:20s tomorrow.  

Went straight to Lakeshore for a 2.5 miler and my time is down to 21:22 (8:33 pace).  I got out faster but did not have as strong of a negative split (10:49-10:33).  This may be close to my base level of fitness.  It's equivalent to about 26:45 for 5K.  I do think I'm better than that without any additional training once I get the B12 up but pretty soon, I'll have to work to get my times down.


8/12- The inevitable first step backward was today.  No opener.  Directly to Lakeshore for a full 5 miles.  Finished in 45:39 (9:08 pace).  Hoped for a sub-9 pace and came up short.  I was at 21:42 at the half, which is just 8 seconds per mile slower than yesterday.  Figure I could have matched yesterday's 2.5 mile time give or take a few seconds.  Still felt reasonably well through 3.5 then hit the skids.  Mile 5 was over 10 minutes and the back half was a weak 23:57.  What happened?  The smart money is on not enough B-12.  I may need more to go longer distances.  If I have to, I have to.  Also, I've learned that even moderate alcohol consumption depletes B12.  I didn't binge but yes, I did drink last night

PM- No running this evening but I did take an extra B12.  Improvement was noticeable.  No, it would not have brought the paces down from the 10s to the 7s but I don't want that.  I'm afraid that I will need a booster pill to get through the long run this weekend.


8/13- Ran the opener in 2:19 (6:57 pace).  MINUS 45 but it took 2 days to realize those gains.  As expected, the rate of improvement is slowing.  I figure that if I run it tomorrow, I'd be hard pressed to break 2:15.  This one took a lot out of me too.  No closer.  Just a cool down to complete the mile.  That's it for today.  Long tomorrow.


8/14- 10 miles on Lakeshore in 98:50 (9:53 pace).  I'm pleased with this one.  I had planned to go out at 10 minute pace give or take a few seconds and try to hold it for 7.5 miles then take a booster dose of B12 just to see what happened.  I completed the first objective at 75:50 (10:06 pace) but I was slipping at the end.  Pace had slowed to the 10:20-10:30 range at the beginning of Mile 8 and that last quarter would have been ugly without the booster.  I simply hoped to rebound with a 9:40 average the rest of the way to finish with a sub-10 overall.  I ended up a lot better than that.  Did the last 2.5 miles in 23-flat (9:12 pace) and I felt like I had more in the tank.  That's just 4 seconds shy of a sub-2 pace for a half mary.  



If I do increase my B12 dosage from 16K to 20K, it could be a game changer.  I'm still afraid of going overboard with it and ending up intolerant for a couple days, which is what happened last time I tried to increase it too quickly.  I'm unsure of what to do but I WILL load on race day.

8/15- BAFA day.  Ran the opener in 2:11 (6:33 pace)  MINUS 24.  I believe that I am within 60 seconds per mile of my closer time with a full dose of B12.  Still, the ability to hold a respectable pace for 1/3 of a mile versus even a standard issue 3 mile day is TOTALLY different.  In order to meet my demand of "no extreme dependence," I must stay off all pills for 2 days then manage a sub-9 pace for 3 miles.   I've still got a ways to go.  After that, I've got to remain stable for a month before I even think of declaring myself healthy.

Real workout was a 3.5 mile recovery jog on the Trak Shak loop just to hit the quota.  Pace was very slow but that was the plan.  Ran it naked too (no watch).  This weekly mileage total is my highest of the year.  If I can bump it up to 35 on a regular basis, it should be enough to get back to respectability.


-30 miles on the week. 

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