Monday, August 2, 2021

Training 8/2-8/8

 8/2- Well, it was interesting.  Cut the B12 from 8,500 down to 6,000 and improved the opener to 2:52 (8:36 pace).  Cut off another 39 seconds per mile for the 2nd straight day.  However, this time, there was no dramatic improvement on the Thym-Adren.  5 of those pills brought me no lower than 2:43 (8:09 pace).  MINUS 27 and that's barely enough to be considered significant.  Certainly not a night and day difference.  Bumped it up to 7 and was only marginally better with a 2:41 (8:03 pace).  I don't think I would have seen much difference on 9 pills either.  Did not even try a real workout.  I am sure that I would have been over 30 for 3 miles.  The B-12 will be cut further and so will the Thym-Adren.  There is a chance that with the Intrinsic Factor, I may not even need stand alone B12 at all.  If I cut it out, I'm afraid the sensitivity will kick back in with a vengeance.  I'll have to get another bottle of CoQ10 to test it out.  I'm going down to 4,500 tomorrow.  Maybe less.  


8/3- Opened with NO B-12 and actually felt decent for a half lap in 67 (6:42 pace).  Figure I'm no worse than 2:20 for a full lap.  Took just 3,000 B12 and was MARKEDLY WORSE! I was over 90 on the back half.  Fared no better on Thym-Adren.  

PM- Got home and took extra Intrinsic Factor and the B-complex without a problem BUT the stand alone B-12 knocked me out for the night.  I'm quitting this stuff tomorrow.


8/4-AM- No B-12 and only 3 Thym-Adren.  Did 1.5 on Lakeshore in 14:37 (9:45 pace).  Splits were 7:32-7:05.  Can I improve on that in the afternoon?

PM- Answer was NO.  Felt reasonably well early but faded after about 1/3 mile.  Turned around at the half mile and called it quits after a 10:22 time.  I clearly still need B-12.  How much?  I have no idea.


8/5- AM- Goal for this session was to find the optimal dose and I believe that I have.  I was AWFUL on the opener with a 1:48 on no B12.  I didn't feel anything like myself until the dose went up to 4000.

4000- 67 seconds

5000- 54 seconds

7000- 68 seconds

Performance was essentially the same on 4000 versus 7000 and a LOT better in between.  Figure the optimal dose is 5500 because that's the midpoint.  That will work out well because I have a 5000 Methyl and 3000 Adenosyl.  Chop the Methyl in half and that should do it.  The goal going forward is to do better without B12 and also do better on higher doses.  I don't mean to beat a dead horse but if I am THIS sensitive to B12, THE DANGER OF A VACKSEEN IS EXTREME!!!

PM- 3 miles on Lakeshore in 26:20 (8:47 pace).  I'll take it.  I wasn't full strength on 7000.  I may be under the Mendoza line on 5500.  Pace was steady in the low 8:50s but closed with an 8:34.


8/6- 5500 B12 was NOT the answer today.  I need a lot more.  If my history is any indication, I predict that I will have an insatiable need for a time but that will eventually go down.  This may be followed by another adrenal spike.  As for the workout, here it is:

First half mile: 5:18 (10:36 pace) 5500

Second half mile: 5:04 (10:08 pace)  6500

Second mile: 9:36 (4:48 avg)  7500

Incremental improvement after each pill but I need a LOT more to be respectable.  Overall time was 19:58 for 2 miles with a late rally.


8/7- The goal was to finish a 10 miler no matter how ugly it got.  Consider it a success.  I started off without B12 and was BEYOND AWFUL early, which was to be expected.  Without B12, my pace was 13:44.  However, with every dose (taken every 1.25 miles), I got an incremental improvement.  That was also expected.  The big question was whether or not I could tolerate 10,000 mcg and beyond?  Would I continue to improve at increasing doses?  The answer was YES on both.  My pace did not drop below 11:00 until Mile 6 but my fastest was Mile 9 at 9:03.  This was done on more than 20,000!  Overall time was 1:42-flat for 9 miles (11:20 pace) then treated Mile 10 as a cool down.  Going forward, I DO expect the extreme dependence to fade but it may be followed by an adrenal spike.  That may be followed by a similar pattern with ANOTHER PILL!


8/8- Ran the opener, which was a full lap at Montreat in an encouraging 3:39 (10:57 pace).  I would have been well over 4 yesterday and I'm shooting for a sub-3:20 tomorrow.  I went with 16,000 mcg of B12 for the real workout.  It clearly was not enough but I don't feel comfortable going higher.  Did 2.5 at Railroad Park in 24:54 (9:58 pace).  I was encouraged by the negative split (12:43-12:11).  I may be back out this evening but I predict that I will be worse after going several hours without B12.

PM- Several hours off B12 did NOT hurt me.  Did 2 miles on Lakeshore in 19:46 (9:53 pace).  Performance was similar to this morning.  Splits were 10:11-9:35.  I may have been a hair better than this morning over an additional half mile.  I just want to see steady incremental improvements from this point on.  I plan to stick with the 16,000 dose.  I may see another adrenal spike soon but that should clear in a few days.


-25 miles on the week

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