Sunday, April 14, 2019

Detox and Prognosis

I am now 7 days removed from the sprained ankle that I got from tripping over a pine cone and 6 days out from race day.  I expect the ankle to be at slightly less than full strength on race day but good enough to run the half marathon without risking further damage.  That's good news and I never had any doubt that I would heal eventually.  My plan calls for finishing Hawaii for state #50 in November 2021.  It's an aggressive target with 12 states still to go but I've got to finish this goal sooner rather than later.  If the detox plan fails, I estimate that I've got about 3-5 years left as a runner capable of finishing half marathons. Tomorrow is never guaranteed even for healthy people so if you want to do something, my advice is to do it now.

I read one of my random posts from 2016 on methylation and it is evident that I REALLY have come a long way in regards to the sensitivity.  On one of my recent Montreat lap intervals, I was only 55 seconds faster per mile with the full doses of ALL the pills than I was with no treatment whatsoever.  I bet that gap has since diminished further.  That's YUGE!  Yes, I want to know that the treatments are working but a healthy person should NEVER see WILD swings in performance and mood after taking just 1 freaking pill!  If you've read this blog for more than just a couple of months, you know that it was not uncommon for the following to happen:
-Open with a pace over 10:00 per mile from simply skipping ONE of my many pills
-See improvements of more than 60 seconds/mile after taking just ONE DOSE!
-Continue to improve with each pill until I hit the sweet spot.
-Go backwards again after overshooting the sweet spot with extra pills.
-Find that the magic formula that worked the previous week turns to poison.
-Go through the whole thing again and again and again.

Let's hope that I am done with the above forever.  The only treatment that is still a must take is Sarcosine.  I'll do okay without in a sprint but the longer the distance, the uglier it gets.  It took me over 40 minutes to run 4 miles without it and had slipped to 11 minute pace on the back half.  By comparison, I had done 5@8:27 pace just a couple days earlier with it.  Perhaps in time, my critical need for this stuff will diminish as well.  If it goes off the market, I would be screwed otherwise.  Again, with all the other pills, I can skip them all and barely even notice on the first day.  However, I'm pretty sure that it would get uglier with each additional day off the pills.  Still, being able to get by without so many of those pills would have been unthinkable just 1 year ago.

The trade off is significantly decreased speed. My average is about 2:10 for a third of a mile (6:30 pace).  By comparison, I recently dipped under 5:00 pace for a 400 when I had all the pills working.  On the day that I sprained my ankle, I was pretty much all out in the Montreat Mile and could only muster a 7:26.  I figure that's probably the equivalent of a 7:15 on a track.  I haven't done it since 2015 but I believe I was capable of a sub-6:00 on my best days with the pills.  If I can run sub-5 for a quarter mile, I should go sub-6 in a full mile.

Why has this happened?  Pretty simple.  The toxins that had been stuck in my organs are being dumped out and thus have been released into my cells and tissues.  It should not be a surprise that it gets worse before it gets better.  In theory, once the toxins come out, I will feel a LOT better and should run faster BUT I said it too many times and still stand firm.  Even if I never regain my lost speed, the stability and consistency that I have gained is a trade that I am happy to make.  If I have to settle for being consistently around 2 hours for a half marathon, so be it.  That's still preferable to one sub-1:40 followed by several consecutive weekends in which I could not finish a long run.

Am I absolutely sure that toxic metals were the culprit all along?  Yes, I am.  I fit all of Dr. Wilson's criteria for a "very poor eliminator" of toxic metals.  Since we are all exposed to the toxins, a fair amount should show up in the hair test.  That only happened to me after the liver flush when I dumped out lots of copper and cadmium.  Unfortunately, I only cleaned out one of MANY organs and it was not enough in the end.  The rest of my hair tests showed almost zero toxic metal elimination.  This evidence combined with my response to detox products is all the confirmation that I need.

Here's a history of false hopes before the TRS:
Copper and Ceruloplasmin
Sulfur Detox
Reducing Iron Overload
Glycine Conjugation and Sarcosine
DIM plus Maca
Finally TRS
What if the TRS fails or loses its effectiveness and I end up back with the ultra-sensitivity?  I'm done.  I can't hold on any longer.  The ankle injury was especially frustrating because it's preventing me from seeing the detox progress.  Could I run the Montreat Mile close to 7:00 now if I had a good ankle?  I don't know.  We shall see in a few weeks.


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