Monday, April 29, 2019

Training 4/29-5/5- Race Week

4/29- Untimed Montreat Mile.  Felt AWFUL.  It is apparent that TRS plus other detox products is causing too much of a detox/die off reaction.  Why was it tolerated 3-4 days ago?  I don't have an answer for that.

4/30-AM- Timed Montreat Mile in 11:47.  This was almost certainly better than yesterday.  Splits were 4:10-3:55-3:42 so that's somewhat encouraging.  I've reduced the dosage of TRS and cut out DIM, Maca and Selenium completely.  I'll try again this evening.

PM- 2 miles on Lakeshore in 19:22 (9:41 pace).  Felt noticeably better in the afternoon but still a LONG way to go.  It appears that I will simply have to back off on the detox products for now.  By how much?  For how long?  That is still to be determined.  The fear is that the sensitivity will kick back in with a vengeance if I have to stop the detox completely.  That is an unacceptable outcome.

5/1- AM- Junk intervals at Montreat.  Opener in 2:52 (8:36 pace).  Took 3 sprays of TRS and knew immediately that it was a bad call.  Slipped all the way to 3:52 on the next lap (11:36 pace).  Took some molybdenum, which was supposed to help and improved only to a 3:51 so it was essentially a non-factor.  I am going to have to go off all detox products until further notice and hope the sensitivity does not return.  If it does and I still can't tolerate the TRS, it is game over and I have lost.

Why did this happen?  My only explanation that makes sense is that I am peeling off layers of toxins.  That is, I've gotten the surface toxins out but the more dangerous stuff had been buried deeper in my organs where it could do the least damage.  Now, it will be harder to get that poison out and I'll have to go VERY slow with the detox.  I'm betting that once I can finally tolerate the TRS again, my system will then demand MEGA doses but that will eventually stabilize back to 3-5 sprays.  That's the best case scenario.  I'm still planning to go to Rhode Island this weekend and hope that 4 days off the TRS will be enough to at least allow me to finish.

5/2- Opened with a 2:45 (8:15 pace) without pills or detox but felt significantly WORSE after lunch.  Turns out I needed TRS.  Flip flop flip within 7 days!  Just another day in life of me.

PM- No detox- 3:47 (11:21 pace)
1 spray- 3:21 (10:03 pace)  MINUS 78
3 sprays- 2:35 (7:45 pace)  MINUS 2:18
Add Selenium, DIM and Maca- 2:24 (7:12 pace)  MINUS 33
No comments necessary

5/3- 1 mile in Atlanta out and back on the road from the hotel.  Finished in 7:10 with a strong negative split.  I was only 3:45 at the half and closed with a 3:25.  Should get under 7 on a track very soon.  Big confidence booster for Sunday.  Added a half mile cool.

5/4- Planned rest day.  Arrived in Providence for touring.

5/5- Providence Rhode Race in 1:58:54.
Distance= 13.5

-22 miles on the week.  YTD-410

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