Monday, September 9, 2013

Training 9/9-9/15

9/9- Forced rest day.  Too weak to even attempt a run.  Tomorrow is the last day on the antibiotics.  I did hit 1,250 miles for the year yesterday and am on pace to finish near 1,800.

9/10- AM- Took the last dose of antibiotics when I woke up and was awful as expected in my run.  Wisteria 1.5 mile in a hard fought 14:47 (9:51 pace).  It would have been a 2 miler but I had to walk to the finish due to a diarrhea threat.  I've learned that this class of antibiotics (Amoxicillan) depletes magnesium so that likely explains it.  It can't get any worse than this (I hope).  I'm running again this afternoon and will aim for sub-26 for 3 miles.
PM- A bit better than expected.  3 miles at Gold's in 24:51 (8:17 pace) minus a bathroom stop.  I had been off the antibiotics for only 7 hours but felt the best I have since Friday.  That's probably because I took a mega dose of magnesium.  I'm not celebrating anything.  3 @8:17 is barely under 26 for a full 5K and that's still BAAAAUHD!  I hope to be sub-8 pace tomorrow on a standard issue workout.
Grade:D/1 credit/distance=5.0

9/11- AM- 3 miles in 23:14 (7:45 pace).  Very even splits and an improvement of 1:37 over yesterday but I was working hard almost all the way.  This was a near race level effort and would have been hard pressed to break 24 for a full 5K in competition.

PM- 5 miles in 37:27 (7:29 pace).  Negative split (18:52-18:35) and a nice pick up in Mile 5 to secure the sub-7:30 overall pace.  I am getting stronger with every session.  That's nothing new in these 6 months of hell.  What has been happening is that I get to the point in which I am turning the corner, then I crash again and repeated the process countless times.  Is it too much to ask for at least a few weeks without a crash?  I have officially clinched a 1.75 GPA on the year.
Grade:C+/1 credit/distance=8.0

9/12- Mediocre speed session at Mountain Brook.  2 x400, 2x300, 2x200, 2x100 followed by a full recovery then a 400 all out.    Stats were 83-82-57-57-35-35. 100s were naked then the 400 was a rather lame 75.7.  At a minimum, I like to close a workout with a sub-70.  Overall, I felt slightly better than yesterday but grading is stricter on a quality day. 3 lap warm and cool.
Grade:C+/2 credits/distance=3.0

9/13- Trak Shak 4.5 mile in 33:15 (7:23 pace) plus a cool.  I think I am recovered from the antibiotics and can cut the Mag back to normal (500 mg).  I had diarrhea again and had to take a walk break until I found a Port-a-John so hopefully that issue will go away soon.  Overall, not bad on the run today.

Update: This one is big.  I have learned that magnesium is required for serotonin production thanks to Livestrong.  Based on how I feel, I strongly suspect a low serotonin level.  I will NEVER take an SSRI anti-depressant again but 5-HTP might be worth a try.  I haven't taken anything for neurotransmitters since 2010 so I feel like I'm going backwards.  I can't predict the results but if I do take it, I hope it will be only temporary.  Still, no need for Thym-Adren.
Grade:B/1 credit/distance=5.0

9/14- Turned 33 years old today.  Pretty decent run on a beautiful day.  Clear skies and temps in the 60s this morning.  12 mile run with the Gnomes in 91:57 (7:40 pace).  Groin was giving out near the end but outside of that, I felt good.  I could not find anyone who matched my pace.  It was either over-8 or sub-7:20.  I believe this is my longest run since early April.  I'm going to try the 5-HTP now and hope to get a clear "yes" or "no" answer quickly.

-The 5-HTP is a clear NO.  That's okay.  I'll just stick with the Cal/Mag.  Good day nonetheless.  I may struggle a bit tomorrow.
Grade:B+/2 credits/distance=12.0

9/15- Very sleepy from the 5-HTP.  Slept in until 10:30 then had to take an afternoon nap.  Waited until 4 PM to run and it was a good call.  5 miles in 37:50 (7:34 pace).  Not a bad run overall.  Faded to 7:42s in the last 2 miles.  It's Cal/Mag or bust and I've reached the end of the line.
Grade:B/1 credit/distance=5.0

Weekly summary:
With this loss, I have guaranteed a sub-3.0 for the year and need to go 11-4 just to finish at .500.  I did have a half decent end to week and hope to build on it going forward.
Distance=38.0/GPA= 20.5/8= 2.56
YTD: 1,288 miles.  14-21 with a 2.55 GPA.

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