Monday, April 11, 2016

Training 4/11-4/17

4/11- AM.  As expected.  Cutting the Cal from 500 to 250 helped but I still felt WAY off.  2 miles at Gold's in 16:45 (8:23 pace) with splits of 8:20-8:25.  Ran essentially the same speed all the way.  I was never tired but no matter how hard I tried, I could not pick up the pace.  If I run this evening, I expect to be slightly better.

PM- As expected again.  Modest improvement.  Gold's 3 mile on a rainy evening.  Finished in 23:55 (7:58 pace) with splits of 7:53-8:03-7:59.  Just like this morning, I ran as fast as I could but this was all I had in me.  I only took 2 mg. of B-12 this morning and a 3rd pill made it slightly worse.  I also reacted badly to 100 mg of Cal.  I'm sticking with 2 mg. B-12 and I am going off the Cal indefinitely.

4/12- Lakeshore 5 in 38:55 (7:47 pace) on a beautiful clear 70 degree evening.  Not a radical difference from yesterday but another small step forward.  Slightly more power and energy today.  Every mile was sub-8 but I did fade somewhat (19:17-19:38).  Took no Cal today so it should fully clear tomorrow and barring any further complications, I ought to be sub-21 for 3 miles tomorrow.

4/13- Another "interesting" day.
AM- Calcium has definitely cleared but I knew within 200 meters that something was WAY off.  Popped an ADHS pill and it didn't hurt but I didn't feel much improvement. Finished 1 Mile in 7:52 then popped 2 more B-12 and though it wasn't enough, it was clearly a step in the right direction.  Improved to 7:22 before heading for work.

PM-I don't know how many B-12 pills I took but it was a LOT.  Tried to run a tempo and got off to a good start but faded early.  Passed 1 Mile in 6:40 but had slipped to a 7:00 pace.  I couldn't tell if my dose was too low or too high so I popped 2 more pills.  Bad call there.  I just slow jogged another 2 miles but felt fairly comfortable.

4/14- Took 10 mg today and it was too much.  Did better than expected in the workout however.  3 miles in 23:49 (7:56 pace).  Pretty much a carbon copy of Monday's evening session.  Got locked into a pace just south of 8 and held it running all out.
After the Cal cleared, my need for B-12 skyrocketed but it was only a temporary reaction.  I'm trending down again and predict that I will settle back to 2 mg. soon.  An aggressive cut is on tap tomorrow.  I'm going down to 6 mg, maybe even all the way to 4.

4/15- Cut the dose down to 4 mg and it was still too much.  Nevertheless, I did improve to 22:22 today for 3 miles (7:27 pace).  Down to 2 tomorrow.  Will it be enough to solve the B-12 deficiency and eliminate the sulfates?

4/16- Cut the dose to 2 and it was too much.  FAILED again, which leaves me 1 for 10 in BTC long runs.  2 miles in 18:20 (9:10 pace) with splits of 7:55-10:25.  Added a mile cool.

4/17- FAILED.  2 miles in 19-flat (9:30 pace) plus another as a cool.  Back to the drawing board now.  I have no idea what to do now.

-27 miles on the week

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