Monday, March 11, 2019

Training 3/11-3/17

3/11- AM- Gold's 4 in 34:26 (8:37 pace).  MUCH better than yesterday and I credit the reduction in Maca from 1000 to 500.  Strong negative split.  Started off at 9:00 pace and was doing 8:15 by the end.  1st half: 17:42, 2nd half- 16:44.  Added a half mile cool.

PM- Repeated the 4 miler this time on Lakeshore.  Time was down to 31:52 (7:58 pace).  Nice improvement over the morning once again but this time my splits were more even.  1st half- 16:04, 2nd half- 15:48 so it's still a negative split but only faster by 8 seconds per mile.  The trends continue.  I always feel better in the afternoon than the morning and get better as my runs progress.  There is a reasonable explanation as to why all of this is happening.  Stay tuned for a post on the subject.

3/12-AM- I need 1000 Maca after all.  I was better on the 500 yesterday because I loaded over the weekend.  In any event, at 500, I managed only a 6:54 for a 3/4 mile.  Popped about 250 and was all the way down to 5:57.  That's an improvement in pace from 9:12 to 7:56.  That's not because of sweating out toxins.  The pill was needed and in actuality, I needed more.

PM- Because the dose was too low, I did NOT feel better as the day progressed.  Managed only 2 miles at garbage pace.  Finished in 18:20 (9:10 pace) but I still managed a negative split.  9:22-8:58.  That IS about what you'd expect from sweating out toxins.  The back half was slightly downhill so it really wasn't that much better.  Maybe more like 12-15 seconds better on level ground.
I was "WORSER" after taking an adrenal glandular.  It is possible that higher doses will be tolerated on adrenals.  A fast oxidation rate helps eliminate toxins faster so it will only work if I load on DIM.  It's an option that I'll try next week.  Again, I want the toxins OUT ASAP and to feel as comfortable as possible in doing so.  The oxidation rate should normalize in time.

3/13- Forced myself to do a junk mile but this really was an unplanned rest day.  Still feeling the ill-effects of the adrenal experiment.

3/14- HORRIBLE!  2 miles in 19:34 (9:47 pace).  I was 9:17 at the Mile mark and slipped to 10:17 for the 2nd mile.  Knee is feeling worse.  Can't even walk up stairs normally.  I suspect that more DIM is needed.

3/15- Junk Intervals.  400s at Gold's.
0 DIM- Did not attempt.  Could barely WALK
150 DIM- 2:52 (11:28 pace).
300 DIM- 2:27 (9:48 pace).  MINUS 1:40
  I really thought that I would get close to 2:00 next time and improve from there.  NOT so.
450 DIM- 2:26 (9:44 pace)
600 DIM- 2:25  (9:40 pace)
  Not a significant difference.  Good news and bad news here.  I am no longer sensitive to DIM but it's no longer as effective.  I suspect there could be another toxic metal being eliminated.  Adrenal glandular and MACA also made little difference.  Knee is still BAD but no worse when I run.  Trip to Philly is in jeopardy.

3/16- AM- Another test interval session.  Just hoping for a measurable improvement over yesterday's debacle.  I got it.
-Opened with a 2:13.5 (8:54 pace), which was done with DIM and MACA but WITHOUT methylation.  I was still LOTS better than yesterday.  After methylation:
Improved to 2:08.8 (8:35 pace)  That's 65 seconds better than yesterday on a per mile basis.  I'll take it.  It may still be possible for me to run in Delaware.  Slow and painful but possible.  The knee hurts something awful on the first 2 steps but after that, I barely notice it and it's no worse afterwards.
Added a full mile cool at glacial pace.
Yes, the methylation provided a significant boost but the difference was not nearly as extreme as in the past.  I doubt I'll ever be free from these pills but perhaps the need won't be as dire when the toxins are out.  MAYBE, I can get by with a day or two OFF completely.  That would be NICE!

PM- Lakeshore 2 miler in 17:24 (8:42 pace).  Nearly matched the pace this morning and held it for 8x the distance.  Splits were 8:52-8:32 so once again, I feel better in the afternoons and ran a significant negative split.  I've already explained why this is happening.

3/17- AM- 3x1 lap tests around the parking lot.
NO pills at all- 3:06 (9:18 pace).   MUCH MUCH better than just 2 days ago.  I managed just 11:28 pace despite taking all pills except 1 less DIM.  Today, I was a full TWO MINUTES FASTER DESPITE NO PILLS AT ALL!!  That's definitely encouraging.  My need for the pills could be diminishing, which is excellent news.

Only DIM+ MACA- 2:46 (8:18 pace).  A full minute faster but once again, the sensitivity has clearly diminished.  2 days ago, just one additional pill resulted in a MINUS 1:40.  Today, TWO additional pills resulted in a MINUS 60.  DIM is still needed for sure but I may at least be able to function without it.

Stacked deck- 2:33 (7:39 pace).  Full cocktail including MF, TMG, CBS/NOS and ADHS.  Result was a MINUS 39, which is still a significant gain but not a night and day difference. Not very long ago, forgetting even one of those pills could make the difference between a 9:xx pace and a 6:xx pace.  Hard to believe but if you've been a regular reader, you know it's true.

 Good news all around but the knee is still giving me problems.  It's possible that another shot of prolo will help but I may need to take 1-2 weeks off soon if the pain doesn't go away.

PM- Slow 4 on Lakeshore.  Didn't even take the watch and I'm glad that I didn't.  Today, I've gotten worse as the day goes on.  A Thym-Adren pill conformed what I've suspected.  My adrenals have spiked after this latest detox reaction.  I recently needed an adrenal glandular but this time, I need a suppressant.  Different toxins affect the metabolic rate in different ways.

Weekly summary:
No choice.  I've gone this far with the detox.  I've got to see it through no matter how ugly it gets.
Distance=25.0/  YTD- 260

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