Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Training 3/18-3/24- Race Week

3/18- The adrenal suppressants were not the answer.  Just wanted a junk run and did the Montreat Mile in 8:41.  Slight negative split this time but I did up the effort on the last lap.  Good news is that my knee is better today.  I am able to walk normally up and down stairs now.  Last week, I had to take the elevator at work.

3/19- Gold's 2 in 19:30 (9:45 pace).  This time, I actually got WORSE on the back half and bailed on a planned 3 miler.  I have realized that my demand for DIM has RISEN significantly.  Though I did not run this evening, I did feel better after taking extra DIM.   That could be good news in the long run.  The more DIM or Maca that I need/tolerate, the faster the toxins come out.  Last week, I got no significant benefit above 300 mg.  Now, I will need a LOT more.
This one is BIG.  I learned today that it is ARSENIC that can really wreak havoc on those enzymes.  Again, I don't know for sure and I'll bet that lead and/or mercury are also in play.  However, I am NEARLY CERTAIN that it was arsenic that caused all those nasty reactions to seemingly benign supplements.  Don't worry.  Chronic low level exposure will not kill me but it does make sense that something SEVERELY toxic was in play.  It may take 2 years to get it all out but again, I do expect that over the course of several months, improvement will become evident.

3/20- More experiments. Began with all the usual pills except for the DIM and Maca
Opener-2:28 (9:52 pace)
150 DIM + Maca- 2:14.5 (8:58 pace) MINUS 54
300 DIM- 2:05.4 (8:22 pace) MINUS 36
600 DIM- 1:52.7 (7:30 pace)  MINUS 52 (26/pill)
900 DIM- 1:51.0 (7:24 pace) MINUS 6 (3/pill)
Added a 3/4 mile cool down at glacial pace.
Let's take a deeper look inside the numbers and compare it with last week.  Last week, I could not run AT ALL without DIM.  Hell, I could not even walk normally.  Going from 150 to 300 dropped me from a 2:52 to a 2:27 but loading on it got me no lower than a 2:24.  Today, I was a much less horrible 2:14 on 150.  I improved much less on 300 but was still a lot better off (2:27 vs 2:05).  That's nearly 90 seconds per mile.  Unlike last time, I got benefits beyond 300.  Though I did not run on 450, I believe 600 vs 450 would have been a fairly significant difference.  There was not a significant change on 900 vs 600 but I did NOT get any worse.  That's good news.

In the future, I fully expect that my best times will continue to come down though I may require more and more DIM to do it.  I'm also encouraged that the effect of a single pill was not as great as it was last week.  I gained 2:22 from 0 to 600 (4 pills) compared to a gain of 1:40 from 150 to 300 last week (1 pill).  I hope to see better and better openers and less and less effects from the pills with the ultimate goal being preventative maintenance with negligible effects from a day's dosage.

3/21- AM- Showed promise with a 2:39 opener on Montreat (7:57 pace) plus a 2 lap cool.  That's a MASSIVE improvement over yesterday and done WITHOUT DIM.  This time, I lost energy in the afternoon.

PM- Managed just 2 miles on Jemison in 17:42 (8:51 pace) with bad splits too.  1st half-8:35, 2nd half-9:06 despite the slight downgrade on the back half.  I didn't expect to match yesterday's improvement from taking DIM but wasn't expecting this either.

3/22-AM- Even better on the opener.  Time was all the way down to 2:28 (7:24 pace) but this time I had no time for more.

PM- Once again, the energy faded in the afternoon.  That's the opposite of the recent trend.  However, the DIM is NOT the culprit as I feared.  Did another 2x1 lap at Montreat.
600 DIM- 2:38 (7:54 pace)  PLUS 30
750 DIM- 2:34 (7:42 pace)  MINUS 12
Slightly BETTER with extra DIM.  Not sure what is causing the afternoon slumps but at least the race is in the morning.

3/23- AM-  Opener with all usual pills except for DIM and Maca- Time was all the way down to 2:22 (7:06 pace) with hills.  On 600 DIM + Maca- I improved to 2:07 (6:21 pace).  MINUS 45.  Added a cool.

I am feeling better and better without the DIM.  With it, I am still improving significantly but the gaps are getting to be less and less.  I'm betting that even with no pills at all, I am within 60/mile of what I can do with a stacked deck at least at shorter distances.  The threshold for significance is 10/mile so I still have a ways to go. Time to catch a flight to Philadelphia. The only goal tomorrow is to FINISH

3/24- Well, I finished.  Passed 10 miles in 89:xx, on pace for a 1:57-1:58.  I am not going to comment on the last 5K.

-23 miles on the week.  YTD: 283.

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