Monday, March 25, 2019

Training 3/25-3/31

3/25- Planned rest day.  Got back home at 10:45 PM last night and took off work in the morning.  I have some interesting ideas going forward and I'll post about it shortly.  Still not sure what to make of the race.  I'm somewhat encouraged that I held it together for 10 miles but dying THAT badly in the last 5K going downhill is clearly abnormal. My pace instantly slowed by 3 minutes and that's never happened to me in a race before.  It has in workouts but if the meltdown happens, it's always been within the first 5 miles.   Let's hope for better in 4 weeks time in Iowa.

3/26- AM.  Opener with NO pills at all.  Not even Mag or Sarcosine last night.  Managed a 2:23 (7:09 pace) on tired legs.  Just 1 second slower than last time, which was done on all pills except for DIM and Maca.  With a stacked deck, I improved to 2:10 (6:30 pace)  MINUS 39.  Added a 1 lap cool.    Yes, that is a significant gain but not the night/day difference that I have come to expect.  That is EXCELLENT news.  I want to see gains because I know the pills are working but knowing that I can get by for at least a day without them is YUGE! Let's hope the moving targets and extreme reactions are gone FOREVER!   I won't celebrate too soon.  This was only a 480 meter trial.  I doubt that I could hold a respectable pace for 2-3 miles without pills.  Even with a stacked deck, 10 miles is my limit.

PM- Just want to ease back in as my legs remain very sore.  2 mile junk run on Lakeshore with no watch.  Tomorrow, I will see how long I can hold a respectable pace without pills.  I predict that I will start off reasonably well then fade suddenly after about 1.5-2 miles but the DIM will lead to a resurgence and allow me to go longer.

3/27- 2.5 miler on Lakeshore in the morning.  First 2 miles were without pills in 16:38 (8:19 pace).  It was run at standard effort.  Did not feel good by any stretch of the imagination but I kept expecting a meltdown to come any minute.  It never happened.  I was 8:17 at the Mile mark and though the 2nd mile caused a bit more strain, I was quite surprised to see an 8:21 split.  Took a short rest and got a definite boost on DIM.  Ran the next half mile in 3:35 (7:10 pace).  This seems like a TON better but it was only a quarter of the distance and I did turn up the effort a bit.  If I had repeated yesterday's AM intervals, I bet the results would have been similar.  That's it for today.  It won't be tomorrow but I want to see if I can make it 5 miles without pills.  If I can do that, I'll bet that I've improved to the point in which I can go beyond 10 with them and should get a sub-2 in Iowa.

3/28- Canterbury 3.5 miler with no watch.  Soreness has diminished from the race so it's time to get serious again.  Easy effort and low key affair.  We'll see how I do without pills tomorrow.

3/29- Lakeshore 4 with NO pills in 34:20 (8:35 pace).  Pleased with this one.  Negative split too.  Back half was 16:48, which is only 10 ticks slower than last time, which was stand alone 2 mile.  This one felt easier too and I never got the premonition that the meltdown was just around the corner.  I'll try to get to 6.5 next week and have little doubt that I can do it.  If so, I'm sure I can do 13 with pills and should expect a sub-2.

3/30- FAILED long run.  Collapsed after 3 then slow jogged 1 mile before the walk of shame.  The culprit was Selenium, which is a new pill.  I tried it because it is a strong Arsenic antagonist.  Is it detox or intolerance?  I'm betting that it is detox.  If so, I am NEARLY CERTAIN that Arsenic has been the primary problem for all these years.  Yes, Lead and Mercury are likely in play as well but it is Arsenic that caused all that sensitivity.
Felt somewhat better after a couple trips to the toilet.  I'm nearly certain that it is detox.  I predict that I'll have to go very slow early then the demand will shoot up then stabilize.

3/31- Junk intervals.  5x480 at Montreat plus a cool down lap.  Opened with all the pills, including DIM, but no Selenium.
Opener- 3:15 (9:45 pace)
Trace of Se- 2:55 (8:45 pace).  MINUS 60
1 pill- 2:41 (8:03 pace).  MINUS 42
2 pills- 2:32 (7:36 pace) MINUS 27
4 pills- 2:27 (7:21 pace) MINUS 15
In another about face, Selenium wasn't tolerated yesterday but it has become necessary today.  That's actually a fairly common occurrence.  Once I set the detox in motion, I've got to continue with it.  The gap between the opener and the stacked deck is a staggering 2:24 per mile but most of the gains came on the first pill.  I may eventually demand more Se but the gap will eventually close as it did with the DIM.  Bring on the detox!  Arsenic is deadly and must be eliminated.

PM- Energy was fading in the afternoon and as I suspected, more Selenium was needed.
Slipped to a 2:44 on the next lap (8:12 pace).  PLUS 51 then popped 2 more pills and was all the way down to a 2:19 (6:57 pace)  MINUS 75.  Added a cool.  The gap between the floor and the ceiling is now a massive 2:48.  Now, let's see that come down starting tomorrow.

-Measly 20 miles on the week but I am up to 303 on the year so I am on pace for 1212.

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