Friday, August 26, 2022

Doctor Refused to Test Cytokines

 I am mad as hell!  Suppose a patient suspects that they might have cancer but the doctor refuses to test for it.  Because of that, it's not detected until it is too late.  I'm sure that happens all the time.  I've been asked why I waited this long to see a "real doctor."  I've had HORRIBLE experiences with mainstream medicine in the past and this episode has done little to change my opinion.  I've been to "real doctors" before and explained my situation.  One of them admitted that she "didn't know what to make of it" and another thought I might be bi-polar even though I clearly stated that how I feel depends solely on taking the right pills and if I take something wrong, I will know it instantly.  Needless to say, neither of them tested for Cytokines.  To be fair, neither did any of the alternative naturopaths.  If I was diagnosed even 10 years ago, my life almost certainly would have turned out differently.  

Supposedly, the Cytokine test "cannot be done at this lab".  I'm not buying it.  I'm betting that this quack just doesn't want to do it.  He did say that the rheumatologist that he will send be to will do the test.  I cannot wait that long.  Who knows how long it will take to get the referral and the appointment scheduled?  When it is scheduled, will the specialist do the testing that I want?  That's hardly a guarantee!   I dealt with a quack endocrinologist in the past.  I wanted a full thyroid panel but she refused and I had to beg just to get my T3 tested in addition to my T4 and TSH.   

On the running front, the news was mostly good today.  I took the forbidden combo of Taurine without Probiotics.  My time for a half lap at Montreat was an abysmal 1:58 (11:48 pace).  After popping a Cytokine pill, for a few brief moments, I felt like my old self and slammed a 54 second half lap (5:24 pace).  MINUS 6:25!!!!   Unfortunately, the good feeling did not last.  Within an hour, the fatigue set in and I managed only a "Rocket 88" before I left for work (8:48 pace).  If I had taken the Taurine with Probiotics, I bet I'm between 65-70.   When I got off work, I hit Lakeshore for 1.5 miles in 14-flat (9:20 pace).  Certainly not a great showing but a BIG improvement over my 10:56 pace yesterday.  

I have a strong feeling that the supplement has already begun to move my Cytokine numbers in the right direction.  That's why I want this test done now rather than later.  I still believe this test will show something.  That 11:48 pace on the forbidden combo before taking the Cytokine pill is BEYOND AWFUL!  That has got to come down.  


I will lay off this pill for the weekend then go to the lab for an out of pocket test on Monday.  I still have to go to the lab again at the "real doctor's" office even though I believe it is a waste.  Hopefully, that's the last time, I will have to deal with him.

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