Monday, August 15, 2022

Training 8/14-8/21

 8/14- Hoped to improve upon my 3 @ 10:36 yesterday.  Had to settle for 1 @ 11:48.  Don't know my splits but the back half was well over 6 minutes.  Maybe even 6:30.  Stress Pak was the culprit.  I have an INSATIABLE need for it now.  This sort of thing happens all the time.  Soon, my need for it will diminish but it triggers something else and the cycle repeats itself.  I will tell the doctor to keep testing me until he finds something wrong.  I will not take anti-depressants.

Got home and ran 2 intervals.  I did a 1:44 without additional pills and a 1:37 after 1 more.  I would have needed 8-10 to get back to respectable times.


8/15- BAFA day.  Improved.  2 miles in 20:49 (10:24 pace) with splits of 10:28-10:21.  On a day like this, it might be possible to walk/jog 13.1 in less than 3.5 hours.  It will be sheer misery but possible.  Will I see steady improvement or will I collapse again at the end of the week?


8/16- Steady improvement.  2.5 on Lakeshore in 24:45 (9:54 pace). Splits of 12:31-12-14.  I have a long road to get back to respectability but with steady training and balanced chemistry, I can get there.  This was 30 seconds faster than yesterday while increasing the distance by 25%.  Again, the rate of improvement will slow but that's okay.  The doctor refused to test my aldosterone so I'm doing it out of pocket.  


8/17- The HATED better with or without test plus a 1 lap cool.

Without: 3:46 (11:18 pace)

With: 2:48 (8:24 pace).  MINUS 2:54.

I've been on the Stress Pak for 5 days now and that's still a very large gap.  I did the out of pocket blood test yesterday and no matter what the result, I'm staying on my current path until further notice.  I take my last Candida pill tonight so I might see improvement by the weekend.  The gap will diminish come next week.  Both the floor and ceiling will improve but the floor will rise faster.  I've been through the same process before with many other pills.  In the past however, the gap began to shrink by Day 5.  I kept hoping that when I got to the point in which there was no significant difference with or without, I was in the clear.  As you know, it never happened, and the cycle repeated itself over and over.

Blood adrenal tests are not too reliable so I'm not sure anything will show up on this one.  If it doesn't, it seems unlikely that any other tests will be flagged.  There will be no need to see an endocrinologist.  If the test is flagged, I'll re-test in 3 weeks and hope to see movement in the right direction.  If I do, that means that I can control it with supplements.  I'd rather not enrich Big Pharma.  

What will happen with the Auto Immune panel?  I'm about 50/50 on whether or not anything will show up there.  I don't have any of the symptoms.  I thought perhaps the sensitivity could come from allergies but then I wonder why I can SOMETIMES tolerate certain pills.  I would think that if I had an allergy to something, I would ALWAYS react badly.  Moreover, there was usually an explanation as to why it happened.  For example, I had a terrible time with B-6 but those issues stopped when my low Cal/Mag was corrected.  Sensitivity to Cal/Mag stopped when I added Taurine.  Why the extreme reactions?  I can only hope that Candida was the culprit.


8/18- Planned rest day.  Took the last anti-fungal last night and it really threw me for a loop.  I never adjusted to it.  The last dose was just as hard on me as the first.  Not sure what to make of it.  I will get some VERY important lab results next week.

8/19- Another very positive step.  2 miles in 18:27 (9:13 pace).  MINUS 41 but it was 3 days later and over a shorter distance.  Splits were 9:28-8:59 so I have no doubt that I could have held it.  I want to be fresh for tomorrow.  Shooting for 5 and I actually believe I can do it.


8/20- This was a DOWNER.  5 miles in 56:51 (11:22 pace).  I told myself before I started that my pace did not matter.  I just wanted to finish this one.  I could not do it.  I held a steady pace just south of 10:00 for the first half but could feel a massive fade coming soon.  I managed to hold it together for another 0.7 miles then broke down and had to walk/jog to the finish.  Perhaps, running just puts too much stress on my system ATM and I need time off.  I'll get some answers next week.


8/21- 1 mile at Montreat in 10:54. Worse than yesterday.  I don't think it's the pills.  I just cannot handle regular training and need several weeks off.  


- Only 15 miles and I could not handle it.  Pretty pathetic.

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