Monday, September 16, 2019

Thyroid Test Results and Reaction

Tested My TSH and Free T4
TSH- 1.54 (near perfect)
Free T4- 0.87 (borderline hypo). Ref range is 0.82-1.82

UGH!  This is NOT good news.  Lab values can vary by 5-10% depending on lab error and the body’s natural fluctuations.  If it was re-tested, there is a chance, albeit slim, that my T4 would be flagged as low.  As it is however, almost every conventional doctor would call this normal and of no concern.  Well, it does concern me!   A lab value of 0.83 would be fine but 0.81 would be flagged and there will be no regard for how the patient is feeling.  I was in a similar situation at age 18 when my TSH and T4 were both on the low side but still within the normal range.  I was given a prescription for Synthroid.  I got better for about a year, but it turned out to be disastrous for my adrenal fatigue.  I am most definitely NOT going down that road again. 

My only explanation is that Lithium is somehow involved in heavy metal detox.  A low dose of Lithium the previous day probably did not affect the results much, if at all.  My reaction to other adrenal and thyroid suppressants such as Thym-Adren was only slightly negative.  The SBF at low doses and short distances was a non-factor.  Meanwhile, reaction to stimulants such as Tyrosine is MUCH WORSE!  I know exactly what will happen with the Lithium.  It will be the same as any other new supplement.  The initial large gap between the ceiling and floor will close but the ceiling will remain awfully low.  The floor has already improved from a 13:30 pace to a 10:33. Soon, I’ll be able to manage a 6:45 without it but only a 6:30ish with it.  That’s not even close to respectable. 

What if my T4 was low enough to be flagged?
A low T4 coupled with a high TSH is a clear diagnosis of hypothyroidism.  Now, what if the low T4 is NOT accompanied by an elevated TSH?  Optimal TSH is about 1.6-1.8 so I am right there.  It would have to be over 4 to be flagged as high so mine is not even close.  I’m convinced that TSH is not a problem.  I did read that it could be a problem with the pituitary if it’s a low T4 and normal TSH.  If both are low, it could be adrenal fatigue again, but I don’t think that’s the case because my TSH is nearly optimal.  If it had been south of 1.0, that would be a concern.  I’m most definitely NOT hyper-pituitary and it seems unlikely that I am hypo either.  I had a TERRIBLE reaction to a pituitary glandular.  Hyper pituitary function is usually caused by a benign tumor that requires surgical removal.  If that was the case with me, I’m quite sure that my numbers would have been bad enough to be flagged. 

Should I see a conventional doctor?
I’m still considering it.  The worst case is that it proves to be a waste of time and money.  The doctor will order additional tests.  I’ll give it a 90% chance that all of them will come back normal, or at least within the lab’s normal range.  Then again, there is that slight chance that something will be flagged and it turns out to be the key to my recovery.  If everything does come back normal, I will just about guarantee that I will be given anti-depressants and a referral to a quack psychologist.  I’ll have to field ridiculous questions such as whether I hear voices in my head or if I have any magic powers.  NO!  I am not a schizophrenic or a megalomaniac.  I am depressed only because my chemicals are out of whack and the only way to get better is to get in balance. 

Trust the Detox Process?
I was told that it could take 2 years on TRS before I see the full benefits and did expect that it would get worse before it got better.  That said, I have been on it for nearly 6 months now and I really did expect to be doing better than I am now.  What to make of the thyroid tests?  I know very well that toxic metals are no friend of thyroid hormones so there is a good chance that my T4 level was suppressed by the toxins.  Perhaps if the T4 was tested several months earlier, it would have been worse.  I have heard that layers of toxins come out one at a time so it's quite possible that the most toxic and dangerous stuff was hidden deep in my organs and will be the last to come out.  Bottom line is that I really don’t know what to do now. 

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